I recently visited a doctor in New York City for a follow-up to an earlier consultation. Not unexpectedly, there were patients sitting in the waiting room so I knew it might be a while before I was seen. I always have a book with me for such situations. As I read, I happened to g...
There was a sauna and a steam room, a big room for massages, and a big tanning room where you’d don these little plastic covers for your eyes and sit under all the light bulbs. Lots of old guys walking/lying around with towels slipping off. Then there was the relaxing room – abou...
No. 18 4th of July. Great patriotic, family fun! No. 19 Bunk Rooms. Kids love the fun, built-in style many rentals offer. Find a your bunk room No. 20 Coastal Christmas. We’re decked out from Thanksgiving through New Year’s! Known for its welcoming, cottage charm and resort-like...
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And another of a naked man handcuffed to a bunk bed, his arms splayed so wide that his back is arched. A pair of women’s underwear covers his head and face. The graphic images, passed around among military police who served at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, are a new batch of ...
Fire in the ammo room is no joke #gif 마로 슬프게 하는 사람 누구야 Added image-Today at 00:00 #screenshot#2a4m#leopard2 0 3 Yamato_Armada Added image-Yesterday at 21:20 #screenshot#artisticscreenshot#tornado#tornado_ids#germany#luftwaffe ...
6. A Thoroughly Modern Farmhouse in Kennebunk, Maine Set on a sprawling parcel of land along the coast of Maine, thiscontemporary farmhouseblends traditional barn style with modern sustainable materials. Made with reclaimed wood from a neighboring farmhouse, salvaged wood from a Massachusetts farmhouse...
The other night the boys de- cided to try to get some heat back to us so they built a real good fire and kept throwing wood on it. They got heat back to us all right, so much that it was unbearably hot, and the floors got so hot that the mats in the front room started to ...