Coloror colour is the characteristic of human visual perception described through color categories, with names such as red, blue, yellow, green, orange, or purple. 颜色或颜色是通过颜色类别描述的人类视觉感知的特征,具有诸如红色,蓝色,黄色,绿色,橙色或紫色的名称。 Shapes Vocabulary 形状词汇 List of s...
This involves selecting a quadrilateral box and using the color image in the box as an input parameter of GrabCut, indicating that the pixels in the box may belong to the foreground, but the part outside the box must belong to the background. This article will use the mask image as an...
There are 188,282 annotated object instances, which are labeled by arbitrary quadrilaterals, and it contains two detection tasks: horizontal bounding boxes (HBB) and oriented bounding boxes (OBB). We focus on OBB task in this paper. Following most of the other state-of-the-art methods, such...
We have abbreviated the target names in the dataset as follows: PE, plane; SP, ship; BE, bridge; HR, harbor; HP, helicopter; RT, roundabout; ST, storage tank; TC, tennis court; BD, baseball diamond; SV, small vehicle; LV, large vehicle; SL, swimming pool; BC, basketball court; ...