análise de discursoacidentes de trabalhothis study analyses the construction of public images put forth by four newspapers from salvador, in the state of bahia, brazil, for the different social actors involved in the public debate surrounding the epidemic of occupational intoxication by benzene ...
Imagens aéreas do Farol de Itapoan Dronedreams Imagens Aéreas 1 0 Ponta de Humaita, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Dronedreams Imagens Aéreas 1 0 Ponta de Humaita, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil Dronedreams Imagens Aéreas 0 0 03:37 Demo Reel Dronedreams 2015 Dronedreams Imagens Aéreas 0 0 Orixas'...