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La imagen de la ciudad moderna: invención, construcción y uso de la nueva Roma Capital (1870-1911)doi:10.22530/ayc.2022.22.625In 1911 the International Exposition became the great commemorative event of the 50th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, taking advantage of ...
LA CONSTRUCCIN VISUAL Y SONORA DE LA IMAGEN DE SAN FRANCISCO DE ASS EN EL CINE DE MEDIADOS DEL SIGLO XX: ENTRE ROMA Y HOLLYWOODdoi:10.6035/Millars.2023.55.3FRANCIS, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226LITERARY sourcesCOMPARATIVE studiesThe construction of the image of Sain...
Osteocondromatosis múltiple hereditariaExostosisOsteochondromaSpinal TumourSolitaryOsteochondroma hereditary multipleExostosisOsteochondromas are benign bony tumours, with only 1 to 4% being located in the spine. It occurs more frequently in the cervical spine, with C2 being the vertebra most affected. ...