If ImageJ does not re ognize the type of file it alls for the appropriate reader plugin using HandleExtraFileTypes, a plugin bundled with ImageJ. If that fails, it tries to open the file using the OME Bio-Formats library (if present), a remarkable plugin that supports more than one ...
notrecognizethetypeoffileitcallsfortheappropriatereaderpluginusing HandleExtraFileTypes, a plugin bundled with ImageJ. If that fails, it tries to open the file using the LOCI Bio-Formats See also: Color Images library (if present), a remarkable plugin that supports around eighty of the most...
In order to use this reader plugin via the ImageJ open dialog or via drag & drop, the plugin should be installed in the Input-Output folder (ImageJ/plugins/Input-Output) and the HandleExtraFileTypes plugin has to be modified, too. I added the following lines to the "HandleExtraFileTypes...
from ij import IJ, ImagePlus from ij.plugin.filter import RankFilters imp = IJ.getImage() ip = imp.getProcessor().convertToFloat() radius = 2 RankFilters().rank(ip, radius, RankFilters.MEDIAN) imp2 = ImagePlus(imp.title + " median filtered", ip) imp2.show() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5....
Public domain software for processing and analyzing scientific images - ImageJ/ij/plugin/DICOM.java at 8e330d85c341d0e4cb685b0559b26b08c67f836e · imagej/ImageJ
import io.scif.ByteArrayReader; import io.scif.Field; import io.scif.Format; import io.scif.FormatException; import io.scif.ImageMetadata; import io.scif.MetadataService; import io.scif.Plane; import io.scif.config.SCIFIOConfig; import io.scif.io.RandomAccessInputStream; ...
("Window not found"); boolean isEditor = frame instanceof Editor; if (!(isEditor || frame instanceof TextWindow)) interp.error("Window is not text window"); if (isEditor) { Editor ed = (Editor)frame; ed.setIsMacroWindow(true); if (isCommand) handleEditorCommand(ed, s2);...
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