由于imageio.ffmpeg.download() 已被弃用,你需要将原代码中调用该方法的部分替换为使用 ffmpeg-python 的方式。这通常涉及到直接使用 ffmpeg-python 提供的 API 来执行所需的视频处理任务。 请注意,如果你的项目中还使用了 imageio 来处理图像或视频,并且需要 FFmpeg 的支持,你可能还需要确保 imageio-ffmpeg 包也...
ffmpeg_failed=Falsetry:imageio.plugins.ffmpeg.download()except:ffmpeg_failed=True Then skip the tests withwrite_frame. That takes care of the unit tests, but for the doc-test, is there a way conditionally skiptestcodewhen testing the docs? I see two examples that usewrite_frame. ...
self.bRecord = False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 5.音视频合成 合成音视频当然得靠FFmpeg啦,最强大的工具。 下载好ffmpeg之后,就可以使用这个强大的工具了。可以用一些封装的ffmpeg的库,我这里就简单点,直接通过subprocess调用好了。 subprocess是子进程的...
imageio-ffmpeg wrapt This PR was created by theregro-cf-autotick-bot. Theregro-cf-autotick-botis a service to automatically track the dependency graph, migrate packages, and propose package version updates for conda-forge. Feel free to drop us a line if there are anyissues! This PR was ...
deftest_movie(tmpdir):"""Test saving a movie of an MEG inverse solution."""importimageioifsys.version_info < (3,):raiseSkipTest('imageio ffmpeg requires Python 3')# create and setup the Brain instance_set_backend() brain = Brain(*std_args) ...
> ffmpeg -i data/name_%08d.png name.mp4 Args: path (str): path to data files name (str): name of the simulation (expects data to be in data path) output (str): path to output """img_files = sorted(glob.glob(f'{path}/{name}_*.png')) ...
Pass true for VideoStream to return color images. Pass false for VideoStream to return b+w images. Defaults to True. """ self.video = imageio.get_reader(file, 'ffmpeg') self.color = color self.duration = self.video.get_meta_data()['duration'] ...
"ffmpeg", "freetype", "gif", "libraw", "opencv", "openjpeg", "default-features": false }, { "name": "vcpkg-cmake", "host": true } ], "default-features": [ "openimageio-features" ], "features": { "openimageio-features": { "description": "Enable OpenImageIO features", "...
"Unable to find a compatible ffmpeg installation in your environment to use with imageio. Please install via `pip install imageio-ffmpeg" ) ) if output_video_path is None: output_video_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".mp4").name if isinstance(video_frames[0], np.ndarray): vid...
one channel. If False, the images have three channels. """print('Loading {}'.format(avi_filename)) vid = imageio.get_reader(avi_filename,'ffmpeg')ifgray: data = [np.mean(np.moveaxis(im,2,0), axis=0, keepdims=True)foriminvid.iter_data()] ...