将图像tokens和嵌入的文本tokens concat起来并通过T5X的Transformer自注意力编码器进行编码。关键词对齐头使用修改后的文本提示作为目标,通过T5X解码器解码连接后图像文本特征向量预测出对齐不良的关键词。 感觉整体结构还是比较简单的,文中作者也提出了另一种变体:既然我们要预测七个目标(图中蓝色字体),能不能直接搞一...
Use case 2: Automatic prompt generation from images One innovative application using the multimodality models is to generate informative prompts from an image. Ingenerative AI, apromptrefers to the input provided to a language model or other generative model to...
InstaFlow: One Step is Enough for High-Quality Diffusion-Based Text-to-Image Generation 公众号:EDPJ(添加 VX:CV_EDPJ 或直接进 Q 交流群:922230617 获取资料) 目录 0. 摘要 1. 简介 2. 相关作品 3. 方法 3.1 大规模文本到图像的扩散模型和高效推理的需要 3.2 整流流(Rectified Flow)和回流(Reflo...
Text-to-image generation我们使用两个流行的通用模型,Stable Diffusion和GLIDE,在文本扰动下,对文本到图像的生成进行了鲁棒性评估。由于篇幅有限,我们在这里只展示了Stable Diffusion的结果和分析,并在附录G中展示了GLIDE的结果。由于多样性在文本到图像的生成中至关重要,我们在给定一个文本的情况下生成多个图像,以进行...
Deep Person Generation: A Survey from the Perspective of Face, Pose, and Cloth Synthesis With the advancement of deep learning, visual appearances (face, pose, cloth) of a person image can be easily generated on demand. In this survey, we... T Sha,W Zhang,TSL Mei - 《Acm Computing Sur...
See the original flowchart as published in theBLIP-2 research paper. BLIP-2 achieves state-of-the-art performance on various vision-language tasks while being more compute efficient than existing methods. Powered byLarge Language Models (LLMs), it can performzero-shot image-to-text generationbase...
5. Image generation from scene graphs(Johnson J, el at, CVPR 2018) 最近在从自然语言描述生成图像方面取得了令人兴奋的进展,这些方法在有限的领域(如对鸟或花的描述)给出了惊人的结果,但很难用许多对象和关系忠实地再现复杂的句子。为了克服这一限制,李飞飞研究团队中的Johnson J等人[14]提出了一种从场景图...
Are images created by the AI image generator copyrighted? How much does the AI image generator cost? Why do I get different images when using the same prompt? How do I write good prompts? If you need further information,please contact us...
5. Brain-Guided Generation(脑信号引导生成):脑信号引导生成任务专注于直接从大脑活动控制图像创建,例如脑电图(EEG)记录和功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)。 6. Sound-Guided Generation(声音引导生成):以声音为条件生成相符合的图像。 7. Text Rendering(文本渲染):在图像中生成文本,可以被广泛应用到海报、数据封面、表情...
has been upgraded again. It integrates with advanced text-to-image generation architectures, Transformer and VQGAN. At the same time, it gives free access to the open-source community for the checkpoints of Chinese text-to-image generation models with different parameters an...