除了基本的浏览功能外,linux image viewer还支持一些高级功能,比如幻灯片播放,图片缩略图查看以及批量重命名等。这些功能的添加,让linux image viewer在用户使用中更加方便和实用。 总的来说,linux image viewer作为一款优秀的图片查看器,不仅在功能上有着出色的表现,而且在用户体验和易用性方面也表现出色。对于喜爱Lin...
Deepin Image Viewer is an image viewing tool with fashion interface and smooth performance developed by Deepin Technology. Dependencies Runtime dependencies deepin-tool-kit deepin-shortcut-viewer deepin-manual libexif libraw Qt5 (>= 5.6)
FastStone Image Viewer软件的图片浏览功能 FastStone Image Viewer软件的操作界面几乎和acdsee一模一样(见下图),熟悉acdsee的朋友应该很习惯这样的软件操作逻辑: FastStone Image Viewer软件的左上角是文件夹目录,左下角是文件预览图,右边是文件夹里面的照片预览图,和acdsee软件的操作模式一模一样: 图像浏览界面见下图,...
在Linux C编程中,如何获取eog image viewer的坐标信息? 好用的看图工具对做图片相关的算法验证很有帮助。但常常工具并没有我们需要的功能。今天我就分享一个工作中遇到的例子。 eog(eye of gnome)是gnome桌面下常用的看图工具,放大时可以禁用插值平滑算法,眼睛看到的更为真实。但eog缺少一个功能,鼠标在图片上移动...
image-processingimage-viewer UpdatedAug 9, 2024 C++ jurplel/qView Star2.1k Practical and minimal image viewer lightweightqtcross-platformsimpleqt5image-viewerphoto-viewerqt-widgets UpdatedOct 19, 2024 C++ nomacs/nomacs Star2.1k nomacs is a free image viewer for windows, linux, and mac systems....
Applications for Windows/MacOS/Linux, with the popular XnView Classic and now XnView MP Image Viewer & organizer XnView MP 1.8.6 XnView Classic 2.52.0 Batch Image Processing XnConvert 1.102.0 XnResize 1.11 XnRetro 1.30 XnSketch 1.20 Utility XnShell Extension 4.1.11 For Mobiles Applications ...
fbi - Linux framebuffer imageviewer SYNOPSIS fbi [options] file ...DESCRIPTION Fbi displays the specified file(s) on the linux console using the framebuffer device. PhotoCD, jpeg, ppm, gif, tiff, xpm, xwd, bmp, png and webp formats are supported natively. For other fbi tries to use ...
FastStone Image Viewer提供了较强的图片管理和编辑功能,适合需要更高性能和批量操作的用户。 JPEGView是一款轻量级、简洁的工具,适合那些只需要快速浏览和轻度编辑的用户。 gThumb适合 GNOME 用户,如果你使用的是 Linux 环境,这款软件会更加合适,虽然其 Windows 版本并不完美。
The license price primarily depends on the number of different images that display in the AJAX-ZOOM image viewer on a domain. Unlimited options are available. The costs for the regular licenses are one-time payments! You can find the complete license agreement and price list on thedownload page...