$ cd deepin-image-viewer $ mkdir Build $ cd Build $ cmake .. $ make Install: $ sudo make install Usage Executedeepin-image-viewer Documentations When install complete, the executable binary file is placed into/usr/bin/deepin-image-viewer. ...
除了基本的浏览功能外,linux image viewer还支持一些高级功能,比如幻灯片播放,图片缩略图查看以及批量重命名等。这些功能的添加,让linux image viewer在用户使用中更加方便和实用。 总的来说,linux image viewer作为一款优秀的图片查看器,不仅在功能上有着出色的表现,而且在用户体验和易用性方面也表现出色。对于喜爱Lin...
FastStone Image Viewer软件可以去官网免费下载(见下图),下载exe文件到电脑上进行安装即可: linux系统安装FastStone Image Viewer软件的方法 在linux系统安装FastStone Image Viewer软件需要使用wine,也就是你需要在linux上安装wine,安装方法是在终端输入wine回车,这时候如果你的linux系统没有安装wine,它会提示你安装wine的命...
linuxpythonshell 背景: 使用Linux系统已经有一段时间了,在管理系统是几乎都是使用命令行与内核交流的,使用虽多的就是Shell,其次就是python。这两天突然心血来潮,想到了Linux PC端桌面程序,在我个人的熟悉语言中呢,python比较适合,不过、开发Linux桌面我只是玩玩的。对于开发Linux桌面程序掌握Python的推荐使用Python...
jfbview is a PDF and image viewer for the Linux framebuffer. It's fast and has some advanced features including:Arbitrary zoom (10% - 1000%) and rotation; Table of Contents (TOC) viewer for PDF documents; Interactive text search for PDF documents; Multi-threaded rendering; Asynchronous back...
一个基于 Electron, React, React Router 开发的图片查看器. An image viewer application based on Electron, React, React Router.
Applications for Windows/MacOS/Linux, with the popular XnView Classic and now XnView MP Image Viewer & organizer XnView MP1.8.6XnView Classic2.52.0 Batch Image Processing XnConvert1.102.0XnResize1.11XnRetro1.30XnSketch1.20 Utility XnShell Extension4.1.11 ...
fbi - Linux framebuffer imageviewer SYNOPSIS fbi [options] file ...DESCRIPTION Fbi displays the specified file(s) on the linux console using the framebuffer device. PhotoCD, jpeg, ppm, gif, tiff, xpm, xwd, bmp, png and webp formats are supported natively. For other fbi tries to use ...
The free photo viewer for Mac allows you to apply various features to find the desired image. Additionally, the smart yet simple features to organize the library makes it easy to retain and find images quickly. You can also download Nomacs for Windows, Linux, and other operating systems apart...