In this paper,a new image encryption algorithm was presented by employing Cellular Neural Network(CNN).The main objective was to solve the problem of traditional stream cipher's insensitivity to the change of plain text.By using a hyper chaotic system of 6-D CNN as the key source,selecting ...
The diffeomorphic demons algorithm, based on strict mathematical theory, is a famous image registration algorithm,which provides an important basis to solve the problem of large deformation image registration. Based on the study of the diffeomorphic demons algorithm, by combining the ideas of manifold ...
Next, the method to solve Problem 2 is given, which is divided into the following two steps. Step 1: The \(RGB\) values of the quantum color image are translated into the corresponding points inside the Bloch sphere. For the \((R,G,B)\) information corresponding to the given pixel po...
TPGIM is suitable for attempting to apply an image processing algorithm that does not change the image size to process 3D models (wavelet-based encoder is not suitable). The structural storage of images has considerable advantages and can use a mature 2D image processing algorithm to solve comple...
In this paper we propose a new image feature called the average fractal signature and its variants to solve this problem. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of the features by experiments classifying real photograph images into four object types, grass, trees, clouds, and waves. To perform ...
To solve the problem, we utilize K-means clustering algorithm to group all the training pixel-patch samples according to the local geometric structure of LR patches. In each category, GPR model is learned from the training database. Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm gains a ...
It can be used to solve Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints and general unconstrained optimization problems.[C++] Open3D: Open3D is an open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data. The Open3D frontend exposes a set of carefully ...
The IHBO was proposed to improve the convergence rate and local search efficiency of search agents of the basic HBO, the IHBO is applied to solve the problem of MTH using the Otsu and Kapur methods as objective functions. The performance of the IHBO-based method was evaluated on the CEC...
to solve the following types of problems, using biomedical image datasets: representation of pictorial data, visualization, feature extraction, segmentation, inter-study and inter-subject registration, longitudinal / temporal studies, image-guided surgery and intervention, texture, shape and motion ...
This paper seeks to solve this problem with one-class method. First, BoW model mixed with skin color detection is used for feature extraction and image representation. Then we train a one-class visual dictionary from pornographic image training set. Third, to make BoW model suitable for one-...