最近討論最火熱的project之一,來自NVIDIA開源的pix2pixHD,將Image-to-Image Translation帶到了另一個境界,如影片中所示, 只要提供High Resolution的Semantic Annotation,就能夠生成細節豐富且逼真的高清真實圖片(2048x1024),還能自由變換物體以 及場景的型態(例如調整每一台車子的顏色或是變換街道),Andrej Karpathy也在...
multimodal translation. Project page: https://wywu.github. io/projects/TGaGa/TGaGa.html 有PDF 61 被引用·1 收藏·1 笔记 Reusing Discriminators for Encoding: Towards Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Runfa ChenWenbing HuangBinghui Huang...Bin Fang...
computer-vision deep-learning geometry pytorch image-generation multi-domain gans adversarial-networks image-translation attention-model cyclegan image-to-image-translation ijcnn unpaired Updated Jul 6, 2023 Python Project-MONAI / GenerativeModels Star 607 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions MONAI ...
[3] Yunjey Choi, Youngjung Uh, Jaejun Yoo, and Jung-Woo Ha. StarGAN v2: Diverse image synthesis for multiple domains. CVPR 2020. [4] Min Jin Chong and David Forsyth. GANs N’ Roses: Stable, controllable, diverse image to image translation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.06561, 2021. [5] ...
[Project][Arxiv][PyTorch] Torch implementation for learning a mapping from input images to output images, for example: Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks Phillip Isola,Jun-Yan Zhu,Tinghui Zhou,Alexei A. Efros
We present a cross-modality generation framework that learns to generate translated modalities from given modalities in MR images. Our proposed method performs Image Modality Translation (abbreviated as IMT) by means of a deep learning model that leverag
For this project, we’ve focused on the application of GANs in image-related tasks, but it is worth mentioning that they are not limited to them (for example, thistext applicationof GANs). The core idea behind a Generative Adversarial Network is to create two models and have them compete ...
Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks Phillip Isola Jun-Yan Zhu Tinghui Zhou Alexei A. Efros Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Laboratory, UC Berkeley Labels to Street Scene Labels to Facade BW to Color input Aerial to Map output input output Day to Night input output Edges...
Image-to-Image Translation in PyTorch. Contribute to vlkniaz/MAGritte development by creating an account on GitHub.
Project Page|CVPR Paper|TPAMI Paper|Supplementary Video Abstract:Unsupervised image-to-image translation aims to learn the translation between two visual domains without paired data. Despite the recent progress in image translation models, it remains challenging to build mappings between complex domains wi...