考虑任务的相关性,我们对Image-to-Image Translation、Photo Retouching、Image Inpainting、High-resolution Image Editing这四类现有方法对于美肤任务的适用性进行了讨论和对比。 2.2.1 Image-to-Image Translation 图像翻译(Image-to-Image Translation)任务最开始由pix2pix[1]所定义,其将大量计算机视觉任务总结为像素到...
给定一张低分辨率的图像(low-resolution image),通过计算机视觉中的方法、模型将其恢复成一张高分辨率的图像(high-resolution image),要求恢复后的高分辨率图像要尽可能真实。 以下简称低分辨率图像为 LR 图像或 LR image,简称高分辨率图像为 HR 图像或 HR image。 2 Image Super-resolution 的形式化定义 给定HR 图...
此外,这也是第一个语义引导生成百万像素图像的Transformer架构。 论文:Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.09841.pdf 项目主页:https://compvis.github.io/taming-transformers/ 作者受到上文提到的“Transformers倾向于学习卷积结构”的现象的启发,提出了这个问...
Concurrently, converting satel-lite images to precise maps aids city planning by providing a comprehensive understanding of spatial layouts and facilitating accurate land-use analysis. Hence, employing GANs enables the generation of high-resolution, realistic images that support object manipulation and ...
论文:【CVPR2021】Image super-resolution with non-local sparse attention 代码:https://github.com/HarukiYqM/Non-Local-Sparse-Attention对于超分辨率应用,non-local attention是非… 高峰OUC发表于OUC的搬... High-Resolution Image Synthesis 概述之前GAN生成的图像要么只能到512这个级别,要么生成高分辨率的图像会丢...
In order to improve the resolution of the reconstructed image under existing circumstance,a method for reconstructing high resolution image using low resolution projection data acquired by shifting the detector is presented. 针对由于现有条件下探测器分辨率低导致图像分辨率差的问题,提出了一种利用探测器错位采...
The high resolution image system and the image conversion method of using for this(57)< Abstract > The image conversion device through the optical valve which becomes independent modulates or controls the plural light rays, or. Because of this, it does not increase the number of optical valves...
Confused on the meaning of hi res, or want to know how to get a high-resolution image? Learn everything you need to know about quality pictures with Adobe today.
as seen in the figure below. Pixels from multiple channels in a low resolution image are rearranged to a single channel in a high resolution image. To give an example, an input image of size 5×5×4 can rearrange the pixels in the final four channels to a single channel, resulting in ...
[CVPR 2022] We unify pixel-to-pixel transformation and color-to-color transformation in a coherent framework for high-resolution image harmonization. We also release 100 high-resolution real composite images for evaluation. image-compositionimage-harmonizationhigh-resolution-image-harmonization ...