This method is based on the maximum variance of the various classes as a criterion to segment the image. The intensity levels L are taken from a grayscale image, and the equation below is used to calculate the probability distribution of the intensity value: $$\begin{aligned} {{Ph_i} =...
摘要: This paper proposes a structure tensor based image restoration algorithm. Structure tensors capture the structural and textural distribution of similar pixels at each site. This property adapts the smoothing process to the contrast, orientation and spatial size of local image structures....
Furthermore, according to the data obtained from Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression Equation, the influence of independent variables indicated that other peoples' impact was the most significant variable with Beta .46 and the comparison with significant others was the least significant variable with ...
Partial Differential Equation Inpainting Method Based on Image Characteristics Inpainting is an image processing method to automatically restore the lost information according to the existing image information. Inpainting has great ap... Z Fang,C Ying,Z Xiao,... - Springer International Publishing 被引...
(2). Equation (3) represents the objective function of the TBERT BASE CASE model. Each hidden layer consists of Ti…TN-Token embeddings and C0…Ck—contextualised embeddings and its Elementwise sum is drafted in Eq. (4). BASEGAN model for image generation The Generator Discriminator network ...
\begin{equation} L_{\mathcal{I},\mathcal{M}} = - \log \frac{\exp(\mathbf{q}_{i}^{\intercal} \mathbf{k}_i/\tau)}{\exp(\mathbf{q}_{i}^{\intercal} \mathbf{k}_i/\tau) + \sum_{j \neq i}\exp(\mathbf{q}_{i}^{\intercal} \mathbf{k}_j/\tau)}, \end{equation} ...
In this detector, the edge foci is defined as the point in an image that is roughly equidistant from the closest edge with orientations perpendicular to this point. Unlike the circle-like Gaussian response function, a nonlinear partial differential equation is applied in KAZA detector for blob ...
Here you can see a slight variation between the 3 images. The smoothness gets better from left to right. Since Bicubic interpolation uses a higher-order equation it can capture features in-depth. As mentionedhere, there are two methods of mapping, the first, called forward mapping, scans thro...
The equation of the NCC algorithm is described as follows: $${\text{r}}\left( {{\text{x}},{\text{y}}} \right) = \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{i = - m/2}^{m/2} \mathop \sum \nolimits_{j = - n/2}^{n/2} \left[ {s\left( {x + i,y + i} \right)*t\left...
Image-based characterization offers a powerful approach to studying geological porous media at the nanoscale and images are critical to understanding reactive transport mechanisms in reservoirs relevant to energy and sustainability technologies such as c