2分钟2D转3D,接单或收徒均可,马上变现,赶紧动起来,一起交流吧 402 -- 0:29 App AI一键生成浮雕图 仅需一分钟 4543 27 0:37 App Goo Engine V4.0.01二次元卡通漫画渲染引擎Blender插件 3111 10 1:25 App 4款必备Blender插件! 1776 4 0:34 App 如何用Blender制作外太空场景? 送你外太空宇宙环境光...
Enjoy this fun and addictive game in which you can mix animals to create new creatures! Simply select two animals and watch as they combine to form a unique AI…
https://3d.csm.ai/discord-sessions 要使用它,请加入此discord频道,进入image-to-3d频道,然后在字符输入部分使用 /get3d 命令从文件夹上传图像或添加 URL 。 创建的模型将发布在 CSM Show Case上,任何人都可以免费下载。 如果你想提前查看使用CSM从2D图像创建什么样的模型,可以从CSM Show Case页面查看图像和模...
Open Neural Network Exchange(ONNX) is an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves. ONNX provides an open source format for AI models, both deep learning and traditional ML. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as ...
將您的 AI (Adobe Illustrator) 圖像或徽標轉換為 3D STL (Standard Triangle Language) 網格或模型文件,適合使用 3D 列印機列印或使用我們的免費線上工具加載到您最喜愛的 3D 編輯包中。
Specify thetrainpath,valpath, andtestpathin the config file./reconstruction/confs/one2345_lod_train.confto beYOUR_BASE_FOLDERused in data preparation steps and run the following command: cdreconstruction python exp_runner_generic_blender_train.py --mode train --conf confs/one2345_lod_train.con...
https://github.com/openai/point-e/blob/main/point_e/evals/scripts/blender_script.py 过往text-to-3D AI 横向对比 近两年来,涌现了众多关于 text-to-3D 模型生成的相关探索,Google、NVIDIA 等大厂也纷纷推出了自己的 AI。 我们收集汇总了 3 个 text-to-3D 合成的 AI,供大家横向对比差异。
Use our free and fast online tool to convert or extrude your 2D Vector SVG image or logo into a 3D STL model file suitable for printing with a 3D printer or for loading into your favourite 3D editing package such as Blender.
- 3D Modelling software (Autodesk 3ds Max, Blender) - Vector editing software (Adobe Illustrator) - Animation software (Aseprite) - Programming and scripting tools (Python), for automating repetitive tasks or custom tools in workflow. - Digital canvas with precision and ease. - Digital formats ...
VisionBlender: a tool to efficiently generate computer vision datasets for robotic surgery. Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. Imaging Vis. 9, 331–338 (2021). Article Google Scholar Kausch, L. et al. Toward automatic C-arm positioning for standard projections in orthopedic surgery. Int. ...