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Effortlessly convert JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF, PSD, SVG, DNG, DCM, WMF, TGA, BPG, ARW, or RAW images to WEBP format with our powerful web app. Seamlessly convert up to 50 images to WEBP online at once, making it convenient and efficient. Simplify your image format conversion process and op...
Effortlessly compress JPG, PNG, WEBP, SVG, or GIF images with the best quality and compression using our web app. Reduce the file size of your images while maintaining optimal image quality. Perfect for sharing on social networks, improving loading times, and saving bandwidth. Simplify the proce...
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Effortlessly convert JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF, PSD, SVG, DNG, DCM, WMF, TGA, BPG, ARW, or RAW images to WEBP format with our powerful web app. Seamlessly convert up to 50 images to WEBP online at once, making it convenient and efficient. Simplify your image format conversion process and op...