Business, for the purpose of CCPA/CPRA, refers to the Company as the legal entity that collects Consumers’ personal information and determines the purposes and means of the processing of Consumers’ personal information, or on behalf of which such information is collected and that alone, or join...
Given the centrality of "self image" to his politics of recognition, it is striking that Taylor, himself, represents disabled people in language that is both limiting and depreciating. The author argues such negative self-images are not unique to Taylor but endemic to modern political thought ...
it was found that the functional image (H1:β = 0.048,p > 0.05) did not have a statistically significant effect, whereas the symbolic image (H2:β = 0.131,p < 0.01) and experiential image (H3:β = 0.389,p < 0.01) were found to have a statistically signific...
The construct of corporate image in my model exactly represents those two categories, though the components of corporate ability are not totally matching between them and me. Corporate social responsibility is the citizenship dimension that extends the economic, legal, and ethical demands imposed on a...
He cannot close loopholes that allow Burger King to claim Canadian citizenship any more than he can close the loophole that allows him and fund managers to pay a smaller percentage of their income in taxes than their secretaries. •••• The real culprits are members of Congress- who...
Behind the historical walls, after a research process based on direct monitoring and the following cataloguing, the presence of 125 liturgical buildings emerges, among churches, convents, monasteries, oratories, conservatories, hospitals, mountains, and chapels, for a citizenship that counts, from ...
thatAugustinein his anti-paganapologeticsdidnotsharehis contemporaries’enthusiasm for therulershipof Constantineor Theodosius,to whomhe dedicatedthefinalchaptersof bookfive.The latter,especially, representsanexemplaryunionof imperial rulershipandChristianfaithandAugustinegivesalengthyac-countof hisvictoriesover ene...
Each proposed category ("new," "new civil," "hybrid," "network-centric" or "asymmetric") naturally covers particular aspects but, regardless of the heuristic potential, this debate represents primarily a symbolic struggle (precisely in the sense that sociologist Pierre Bourdieu used the concept) ...
Thus, the agency of women represented in an obscure visual media like church posters represents a crack in the frontiers of exclusion and inclusion in the contemporary urban African Church. What remains to be seen is how long this crack in a colonised public space will take to alter the ...
"What is at stake is how to answer the potential threat Iraq represents with the risk of proliferation of WMD. Baghdad's regime did use such weapons in the past. Today, a number of evidences may lead to think that, over the past four years, in the absence of international inspectors, ...