During transpose convolution, the stride and padding are set to 2 and 1, respectively. As shown in Fig. 1b, the compressed feature maps with size 16 × 16 × 8 (width × height × depth) are acquired after convolution with kernel weights of size 3 × 3 × 3 ×...
Full size image Consider a tensor network T=(G,A) consisting of a collection of tensors A={a(v):v∈V} and an undirected graph G(E, V) defined by a set of edges E and a set of vertices V, that admits open edges22,35. The vertices V of G represent tensors, whereas the tenso...
In this article, an improved approach for editing color images has been presented. In this approach, using the Poisson equation, a guided vector field is created by employing source and target images within a selected region at the first step. Next, the
Sign in to download full-size image Figure 8. (a) The initial red-green-blue (RGB) image (a “well” with a very dark part). (b) The grey-level image 13R+13G+13B associated with (a); (c) visualization of the maximal contrast at each point of (b); (d) a classical contour...
Full size image 2.2Fairness notions and measurements Aside from the social, ethical, or philosophical debates on defining fairness [30], studies usually consider fairness notions in three respects: (1) individually, where similar examples should be treated similarly [31]; (2) causally, where sensit...
The direction of the pixel is necessarily obtained before the convolution operation is performed on each convolutional map, and the convolution operation ensures that the pixel spreads in the correct direction. The principle formula is as follows: (11) (3) The design image containing the target ...
After training, the parameters of the convolution kernel and the BN layer are fixed, and the BN layer’s parameters are represented by the following formula: (2) We bring the formulay=ω∙x+bof the convolutional layer into the BN layer as follows: ...
Sign in to download full-size image Figure 26. (a) Aerial image of a “road” intersection (512 x 512; 8 bpp); (b) simulated “foggy” test image obtained by a linear combination of (a) and computer-generated fractal noise (S/N = 1:10); (c) enhanced image after multiscale decom...
Full size image Inspired by the prior model39, this paper proposed CAFFM, as shown in Fig.4. While ensuring a small computational load, it improves the quality of feature fusion in lightweight convolutional neural networks. CAFFM captures the pairwise relationships between the three dimensions of...
the number of resolution levels of the U-net architecture was set to 2, each level in the down-scaling step and the upscaling step had two convolutional layers, the number of convolutional filters for first resolution level was set to 32 and the convolution kernel size was (3 × 3 ...