Guo Song-tao, Sun Qiang, Jiao Li-cheng. Remote-Sensing Image Segmentation Based on Improved Wavelet-DomainHidden Markov Models. Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, 2005, 2, 27(2): 286-289.G uo Song-Tao, Su n Q iang, Jiao L-i Cheng. R emot e sen sing im- age segm ...
Rotated Multi-Scale Interaction Network for Referring Remote Sensing Image Segmentation 参考遥感图像分割的旋转多尺度交互网络 参考遥感图像分割 (RRSIS)是一个新的挑战,它结合了计算机视觉和自然语言处理,通过文本查询描述了航空图像中的特定区域。传统的参考图像分割(RIS)方法受到了航空图像中复杂的空间尺度和方向的...
1)农作物遥感图像语义分割旨在对农作物遥感图像进行像素级分类,将图像分割为具有不同语义标识的区域。 在Barley Remote Sensing数据集上,CRNet网络的平均交并比(mean intersection over union,MIoU)和总体分类精度(overall accuracy,OA)分别达到68.89%和82.59% 性能在评价指标和可视化效果上均优于PSPNet (pyramid scene p...
and make it a useful new tool in non-remote sensing image segmentation.However,due to its heavy computational cost and over-segmentation of objects within the range of low intensity,the original TI-PCNN method is ineffective at segmenting high spatial resolution remote sensing image.By taking ...
In order to address the challenges associated with poor semantic segmentation results of classical semantic segmentation networks in high-resolution remote sensing images, limited performance in complex scenes, a large number of network parameters, and high training costs, this study proposes an efficient...
A measure of density analysis to segmente remote sensing image is presented.Operated against the complexity of remote sensing image spectral space,the new algorithm of HDA(hierarchy density analysis) take a two-step strategy to analyse the feature-space in order to get self-adaptive segmentation,wh...
Improved wavelet-domain HMT based remote-sensing image segmentation algorithm is proposed in this paper. The algorithm is based on 2-D directional wavelet, which is implemented via Hilbert transform pairs. The 2-D directional wavelet can provide both shift invariance and good directional selectivity....
Keywords,remotesensingimage,bluenoise,mathematicalmorphology,structuralelements,imagesegmentation 森林植被是生态系统的重要组成部分,在生态系统中发挥着非常重要的作用。目前,研究森林植被图像特征的主要方法是采用基于统计分析、频域分析、纹理结构模式等方法分割遥感图像中的森林植被区域[1-2]。徐剑波等人[3]提出使用地质统...
Semantic segmentation of remote sensing images often faces complex situations, such as variable scale objects, large intra-class differences, and imbalanced distribution among classes. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based models have been widely used in remote sensing image segmentation tasks for its...
In order to reduce the computation of the minimum interclass variance algorithm in the remote sensing image segmentation,the equivalent of the objective functions is proved based on the principles of the minimum variance algorithm and the k-means clustering algorithm.In addition,a new fast minimum va...