基于卷积神经网络的图像分类数据集来源:https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/puneet6060/intel-image-classification?select=seg_test源码请查看:https://github.com/jvyou/Intel-Image-Classification博客解析请查看:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_62, 视频播放量 438、弹
UW-Madison GI Tract Image Segmentation 数据集 是一个用于磁共振成像 (MRI) 中大小肠及胃部分割的医学影像数据集。该数据集由威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校放射肿瘤科提供,包含 38496 张图像,共分为 3 个类别:小肠、大肠和胃。目前开放下载的为训练集。该数据的图像文件名包含4个数字(如 276_276_1.63_1.63.png)。这...
2.3 Create Nerve dataset 2.3.1. Download Please download original Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation dataset from the following link. Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation Identify nerve structures in ultrasound images of the neck https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/ultrasound-nerve-segmentation/data The folder str...
1 Image-Segmentation-Brain-Tumor This is an experimental project for Image-Segmentation of Brain-Tumor by using our Tensorflow-Slightly-Flexible-UNet Model. The image dataset used here has been taken from the following web site. Brain MRI segmentation https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mateuszbud...
ImageNet 2017 挑战赛是最后一届,李飞飞在 CVPR 2017 上表明 ImageNet 挑战赛以后将与 Kaggle 结合。她在演讲中欣喜地表明她们正在将接力棒传递给 Kaggle,不仅因为 Kaggle 社区是最大的数据科学社区,同时还因为她们认为只有将数据做到民主化才能实现 AI 民主化。虽然 ImageNet 挑战赛是最后一届了,但 image-net...
One head is for predicting boxes and the other is for classifying them as object or background (we are not predicting segmentation masks yet). The RPN has its own loss function, computed from a slightly modified training dataset: the class of any ground truth object is replaced with a ...
1. SegPC-2021-dataset SegPC-2021: Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells in Microscopic Images https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sbilab/segpc2021dataset Citation: Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta, Shiv Gehlot, Shubham Goswami, April 29, 2021, "SegPC-2021: Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma...
This is an experimental project for Image-Segmentation of Acute-Lymphoblastic-Leukemia by using our Tensorflow-Slightly-Flexible-UNet Model. The image dataset used here has been taken from the following web site. 1. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) image dataset https://www.kaggle.com/datasets...
[http://blog.qure.ai/notes/semantic-segmentation-deep-learning-review] 中文翻译:[http://simonduan.site/2017/07/23/notes-semantic-segmentation-deep-learning-review/] 从全卷积网络到大型卷积核:深度学习的语义分割全指南 [https://www.jiqizhixin.com/articles/2017-07-14-10] ...
Recently, medical image segmentation research has shown that there are mainly three solutions: (1) U-shape method. The U-shape method can reduce the loss caused by spatial changes to a certain extent through deep mapping and skip connection structure and can learn deep semantic information. UNet...