salt sticks 1 Samtun 1 Samuel 1 sand 63 sand beach 1 Sand ryegrass 1 sandals 1 sandbags 1 sandwich 2 sapling 2 satellite 4 satellite dishes 2 sativus 1 sauce 6 Saudarkrokur 1 sauna 1 sausage 2 sausages 1 Scandinavia 549 scarf 1 scary 2 scene 1 scenery...
Theui.Chart.imagemodule contains a set of functions for reducingImageobjects by region(s) and rendering charts from the results. The choice of function dictates the arrangement of data in the chart, i.e., what defines x- and y-axis values and what defines the series. Use the following fu...
The d∞ metric produces results comparable to those of the entropy maximization method but more sensitive to aberrant points (beware of salt-and-pepper noise). • The logarithmic metrics are preferred to classical ones for low-lighted images and when one aims at imitating human visual behavior....
Netherlands has fossil fuel deposits which include natural gas and petroleum. Other natural resources include peat, limestone, salt, arable land, sand and gravel. Netherlands Natural Hazards: The Netherlands has natural hazards that occur, including flooding. ...
The mineral resources for Chad include uranium, natron, kaolin, salt, gold, limestone, sand and gravel. The fish in Lake Chad is a natural resource. Petroleum is also a resource. Chad Natural Hazards: The hot, dry, dusty harmattan winds occur in northern portion of Chad. Other natural ...
773: salt shaker 774: sandal 775: sarong 776: saxophone 777: scabbard 778: weighing scale 779: school bus 780: schooner 781: scoreboard 782: CRT screen 783: screw 784: screwdriver 785: seat belt 786: sewing machine 787: shield 788: shoe store 789: sho...
2018). Due to the rich information content of VHR imagery, problems such as “salt and pepper” appear, adversely affecting image classification and landslide detection results (Hölbling et al. 2012). On the other hand, due to limitations of pixel-based approaches in image processing, ...
For example, pepper and salt noise (SPN), Gaussian noise (GN) and speckle noise (SN), which makes image recovery more difficult. Different noises with a mean value of 0 and variance of 0.006 are added to the encrypted image respectively, and the decrypted images are shown in Fig. 17. ...
North Korea has numerous metallic resources such as tungsten, iron ore, pyrites, lead, zinc copper and gold. The country's minerals include graphite, fluorspar and magnesite. North Korea has other natural resources, some of which are coal, salt and hydropower. ...
The country has other exploitable resources which include zinc, salt, wildlife and hydropower. Kenya Natural Hazards: The country of Kenya has natural hazards which include recurring droughts, but there is also flooding during rainy seasons.