6 下载次数 164 官方网站 访问 Smart Image Resizer allows you to use ready-made presets for icons and common image sizes, or create and save your own presets and resize umages using these! Includes presets for: - iOS Icons - Android Icons - OS X Icons - 1024x1025, 512x512, 256x256 ...
命令行: ImageResizer -env=$EnvPath -mode=size -src=src -include=png -tar_dir=tar, -size=512,256x256 模式"scale"应用场景: 调整指定图像比例 命令行: ImageResizer -env=$EnvPath -mode=scale -src=src/SrcIcon.png -tar_file=tar/SrcIcon.png -scale=0.5 批量调整目录中的jpg图像到多种比例,...
This multiple image resizer software also supports resizing image files to numerous sizes. For example, if you have a 1024x1024 image file, you can create new files such as 512x512, 256x256, 128x128, 64x64, 32x32, 16x16 in one go. It is a great way to quickly create multiple size...
The easiest way to find the right size is to check the freeShopify image resizer. It resizes images based on the social media channel and the place you need it for. Newsletter The recommended size for newsletter images on Shopify is 1600 x 300 px. If you’re adding an image to the ne...
The Apple Icon Image format is an icon format used in Apple Inc.'s macOS. It supports icons of 16 x 16, 32 x 32, 48 x 48, 128 x 128, 256 x 256, 512 x 512 points at 1x and 2x scale, with both 1- and 8-bit alpha channels and multiple image states (example: open and clo...
OS X 10.7 价格 25 下载次数 228 官方网站 访问 Resize ,Rename,Convert multiple images and export them to multiple folders easily with Batch Image Resizer . Whether you are MacOS,IOS,Android Developer,Icon Artist or Photographer , who needs to resize,rename,convert multiple icons,images or any im...
`-modex=fixed -size=512*512` 表示按长为512宽为512的小图尺寸分割图像 `-modex=avg -size=10*10` 表示把图像分割为10乘以10张小图 - -trim +【**必要**】尾部裁剪,支持:on、off + 例子: `-trim=on`、 `-trim=true` 、`-trim=1` 表示启用尾部裁剪 `-trim=off`、 `-trim=false` 、`-tr...
- [x] Saturation - [x] Contrast - [x] Brightness - [x] Exposure - [x] RGB - [x] Hue - [x] White Balance - [x] Monochrome - [x] Black and White - [x] False Color - [x] Sharpen - [x] Gamma - [x] Highlights and Shadows - [x] Haze - [x] Sepia Tone - [x] Color...
开发者ID:yongfa365,项目名称:ImageResizer,代码行数:23,代码来源:Helper.cs 示例7: Test_Write ▲点赞 1▼ publicvoidTest_Write(){longfileSize;using(MagickImage image =newMagickImage(Files.RoseSparkleGIF)) { fileSize = image.FileSize; }
Smart Image Resizer Mac版是一款Mac上图标制作修改软件,Smart Image Resizer Mac版允许您使用现成的预设图标和常用图像大小,或使用这些创建和保存自己的预设并调整大小。 Smart Image Resizer Mac版功能介绍 包括预设: - iOS图标 - Android图标 - OS X图标 - 1024x1025,512x512,256x256 ... - 1000,900,800 ...