image_points_to_world_plane,是利用相机内参和世界坐标系的姿态,将图像中单个像素坐标转换到这个世界坐标系XOY平面下,常用于测量,其得到的尺寸信息是真实的,而并非像素单位; 如果你每次都提取出标定板左上角Mark点,转换到世界坐标,就会发现无论标定板怎样放置,转出来的坐标都是差不多的值; 当然在标定板倾斜程度过...
image_points_to_world_planereturns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all parameter values are correct. If necessary, an exception is raised. Calibration
image_points_to_world_plane( : :CameraParam,WorldPose,Rows,Cols,Scale:X,Y) Description The operatorimage_points_to_world_planetransforms image points which are given inRowsandColsinto the plane z=0 in a world coordinate system and returns their 3D coordinates inXandY. The world coordinate syst...
LayoutPoints LayoutTransform LeftArrowAsterisk LeftBorder LeftCarriageReturn LeftColumnOfTwoColumnsRightSplit LeftSideOnly LegacyPackage 圖例 LESSStyleSheet LevelAll LevelEight LevelEleven LevelFive LevelFour LevelNine LevelOne LevelSeven LevelSix LevelTen LevelThree LevelTwelve LevelTwo LibaryApplication 媒體櫃 ...
Uniformly store points, lines, polygons, and surfaces Perform fast overlays with complex datasets In some cases, storing data as a raster is not suitable, and you may want to use a vector-based storage option. The following are examples: ...
LayoutPoints LayoutTransform LeftArrowAsterisk LeftBorder LeftCarriageReturn LeftColumnOfTwoColumnsRightSplit LeftSideOnly LegacyPackage Legende LESSStyleSheet LevelAll LevelEight LevelEleven LevelFive LevelFour LevelNine LevelOne LevelSeven LevelSix LevelTen LevelThree LevelTwelve LevelTwo LibaryApplication Bibliot...
The wavelength range was set to 1–3 Å for the measurements. Data were collected with a gauge volume of 6 × 10 × 4 mm3, with four analysis points (T1–T4) near the top working surface and four points (B1–B4) near bottom side of a tool; T1 and B1 were just beneath the ...
In this paper, the ellipsoid model proposed by the World Geodetic System—1984 coordinate system (WGS-84) is used to build the earth coordinate system as the basic coordinate system. The origin of the coordinate system is the Earth’s center of mass; the Z-axis points to the direction of...
Secondly, the scaled orthographic projection projects another set of landmarks from the 3D model to obtain 2D points in the image plane corresponding with those points obtained from the 2D image. This step results in an equation that parameterizes the pose and shape parameter. During the next ...