app(Spatie\ImageOptimizer\OptimizerChain::class)->optimize($pathToImage); The package also containsa middlewareto automatically optimize all images in an request. Don't use Laravel you say? No problem! Just use the underlyingspatie/image-optimizerdirectly. ...
Image field should be as asVARCHARin database table to store the path of uploaded image. In Controller <?phpnamespaceApp;useApp\Http\Controllers\Controller;classUserControllerextendsController {publicfunctionstore(Request$request){returnUser::create($request->all()); } } ...
我有个地方需要做在一张图上插入两张图片 并在下方输入文字的需求,安装扩展,下载字体黑体加粗放在了 public 的目录下$img->text('3***542', 1757, 1550, function($font) { $font->file(base_path().'/public/fzjw.ttf'); $font->size(160); $font->color('#000'); $font->align('center');...
image_path将与上传的图像一起显示 是一个描述图像处理的概念。它指的是一个用于存储和访问图像文件的路径或URL地址。在云计算领域中,image_path通常用于指定图像文件在服务器或云存储中的位置,以便在网页或应用程序中显示图像。 图像处理在许多领域中都有广泛的应用,包括网页设计、移动应用开发、多媒体制作等。通过使...
$type=Storage::mimeType($path); $response=Response::make($file,200); $response->header("Content-Type",$type); return$response; } } Read Also:Laravel 8 Mail | Laravel 8 Send Email Tutorial Step 3: Create Blade File At last step we need to create imageUpload.blade.php file and in ...
app(Spatie\ImageOptimizer\OptimizerChain::class)->optimize($pathToImage); 该软件包还包含一个中间件,用于自动优化请求中的所有图像。 不要用你说的Laravel?没问题!只需直接使用底层的spatie/image-optimizer。 Support us 通过观看我们的高级视频课程,了解如何创建这样的软件包: ...
$image->move($destinationPath,$imageName); returnback() ->with('success','Image Upload successful') ->with('imageName',$imageName); } } Step 5: View File and Create Upload directory Ok, in this last step we will create imageUpload.blade.php file for photo upload form and manage erro...
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function socket_create()**我这里也开启了sockets, 但是还是链接失败 ** **我这里也开启了sockets, 但是还是链接失败, 1.检查你的path系统环境变量 跟你的程序运行目录是否一致 ** 然后在运行php -m 然后在 运行链接socket的文件 就不会报错了 如果还不明白可以看看这个....
public Intervention\Image\Font file(string $filepath) Set path to a True Type Font file or a integer value between 1 and 5 for one of the GD library internal fonts. Default: 1 也就是说可以传2种值: 第一种,路径 . 应该是相对web目录或者相对当前文件目录,类似例子里的 foo/bar 而不是 /fo...
I have fixed mine by changing the public_path $imagePath = "/home/" . $imageFileName Image::make(SPImagePath::getImagePath($imagePath))->fit(720, 720)->save(); Pleasesign inorcreate an accountto participate in this conversation. ...