The ankle joint configuration in this task used the same load cell platform shown in Fig.1(b). The main difference was the targeted muscles’ neuromuscular measurements and loading direction on the load cell sensor. The plantarflexor muscle group mainly consists of three muscles: the lateral gast...
Poland syndrome is a congenital anomaly of pectoralis muscles, breast, chest, and upper arm. Several studies have reported that patients affected by chest wall deformities often experience body image disorders and decreased quality of life. Cosmetic corrective surgery is generally postponed until ...
Unlike freezing, which involves complete body immobilization, trembling is characterized by inhibited limb movements with active head and neck muscles, resulting in visible upper body fluctuations (Supplementary Movie 2). Fig. 1: Mice display stereotyped aversive responses to height exposure. Different ...
I omitted many types of movement, including those of eyebrows, irises, and the upper body. I do so to make the problem smaller and easier to solve so that I can finish the system and demonstrate that it works faster. While the system is limited right now, adding more types of movement ...
Previous studies suggest that female athletes struggle with the contradiction of desiring strength and athletic success, but not developing 'oversized' muscles. Their athletic bodies may become a source of concern and body dissatisfaction in social settings (Krane et al. 2004; Russell 2004). A ...
To check the reliability of the TSNs as a fiducial marker within actively moving tissues, TSNs were injected into the thigh and calf muscles of rats. The injected TSNs could be clearly visualized by CT and fluoroscopy, and their positions and shapes were retained during the flexion and extens...
Such variations may appear smooth and tiny as in the bending of the arm muscles or drastic and violent, as in the reactions taking place at the molecular level. Such degrees of variation have consequently brought new challenges in the Structure from Motion (SfM) [3,12,2,1] and image ...
In their paper, Pumarola et al. describes a network that can modify human facial features according to the givenAction Units(AU), which represent movements of facial muscles . As the AU is a very general coding system, their network can do much more than closing eyes and mouth. As a res...
As could be seen in the coronal images in Fig.2, in women, lean mass is associated with the local volumes of large muscles in the legs and arms. Lean mass is also related to the local volumes of the long bones in the arm and the legs. Lean mass also tended to be related to the...
In five of the six muscles studied, the model explained 84%–94% of the variation in the experimental data. Model estimates of peak elbow flexion moment arm were within 13% of the experimental peaks. Our results suggest that subject-specific musculoskeletal models derived from medical image data...