plot of ground, plow, plum, plumber, plumbing, plump, plus, plush, plywood, pneumatic, poach, poaching, pocket, pod, poem, poet, poetry, poinsettia, point, point of sail, pointer, pointy, poise, poised, poison, poisonous, poke, poker, polar, polar region, polarized, pole, poles, police...
We’ve photographed over twenty species of Oaks, Chinkapins and Beeches at the Morton Arboretum, as well as the State of Illinois Millennium Tree, and another Bur Oak that is known to be still healthy and injury-free after more than three hundred years....
with multiple concepts per image. The class distributions on train and validation sets are long-tailed. The validation set was annotated using a combination of originally curated labels with incomplete annotations, where were further completed by adding additional labels. ...