Using the notion of the pharmakon, as developed by Derrida and Stiegler, we study its ambiguities: technology by its nature is both remedy and poison, cure and addiction. Accepting this ambivalence is the explicit goal of pharmacology, which makes the history ...
electronics Article Adaptive Content Frame Skipping for Wyner–Ziv-Based Light Field Image Compression Huy PhiCong 1,2,3,4, Stuart Perry 2 and Xiem HoangVan 1,* 1 Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi 100000,...
Gold Stainless Steel Flower Back Design Back Flowers Decoration Dining Chair for Wedding Banquet picture from Qingdao Rolinda Manufacture and Trade Co., Ltd. view photo of Round Back Chair, Luxury Chair, Wedding Chair.Contact China ...
"But far from their choiring the high King sat, in a gold-faced vest and a gold-laced hat, counting heaped monies, and dreaming of more francs and sequins and Louis d'or. Meanwhile the Queen on that fateful night, though avowing12 her lack of all appetite, was still at table, where...