The method of speckle reduction is widely used in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery over the last three decades. The SAR images are inherently speckle
This should not provoke amazement since Raghavdas, like others before him, "depicts [the fourfold scheme] as providing the key to religious order in the Kaliyuga", as Hawley has noted (Hawley 2013, p. 30). Additionally, this is despite the fact that our Dadu-panthi author—for whom the...
TToonneemmapappededrerseuslutsltsofo'fW'WalkaliknignPgePoepoleplHe DHRDiRmiamgeasgeosbtoabintaeidnebdy b(ay) (nao) dneoghdoesgthinogst,i(nbg), (Tbu)rsTuunrseutnael.t, a[1l.], ([c1)] P(ce)cePeacnedaKndauKtza,u[t1z4,][1(d4)] S(de)nSeetnale.t, [a2l3.,],[2(3e]), P(...
mathematics Article Rock Classification from Field Image Patches Analyzed Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Xiangjin Ran 1,2, Linfu Xue 1,*, Yanyan Zhang 3, Zeyu Liu 1, Xuejia Sang 4 and Jinxin He 1 1 College of Earth Science, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, China 2 College ...