Positive body image can be defined as a capacity to appreciate the unique features of the body, including but not limited to its appearance, to accept and admire aspects of appearance that deviate from cultural ideals, to be comfortable and safe in the body, and to interact with the environme...
Of all subjects, 88% received scores that reflected less than high articulation of body concept with no significant difference between the two groups wanting weight loss. In selecting actual and ideal body sizes from a series of five outline drawings of female figures that ranged from 20% ...
The clinical subjects showed a significantly greater difference in their selection of outline drawings of the female figure perceived to represent their actual as compared to ideal body sizes. No significant difference was found in articulation of body concept as revealed in human figure drawings ...
My boss recently laughed at a taobao skirt that, labeled XL, would barely fit over one thigh, let alone her body and said 'my skeleton is a size 8, let alone the rest of me.' Several companies have become conscious of their adver- torial effect on women and their self-esteem. ...
The findings reveal body image to be more complex than a limited focus on subculture or dissatisfaction can account for. In particular, gay men negotiate a gay pride discourse in which the muscular male body generates both social status and self-esteem, and deploy notions of everyday masculinity...
A female ath- lete may experience a discrepancy between her current body and her ideal body as well as a discrepancy between her current body and her ideal sport body, which may differ from the cultural ideal. In particular, Rudd and Carter (2006) outline a variety of body image pressures...
female body: the re/disfigurement of the image Isabelle Coy-Dibley1 ABSTRACT What has the digitization of female appearances, the altering of female bodies not only in media but individually among the general public through the use of apps, done to human sexual interactions and senses of self?
Magenta outline represents an object (here a spermatozoon) removed from analysis. A small number of spermatozoa (annotated) typically collected during red hemiduct LV sample preparation were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of our object filtering approach. A total of 123 LVs were measured from...
Identify the age, position, and size of human faces in an image, along with a recognition confidence level. People in the image do NOT need to be facing the camera; they can be facing away, edge-on, etc. Detect the gender of people in an image Identify the gender, position, and si...
This approach has successfully been adapted to many applications such as high-resolution synthesis of human faces (Karras, Aila, Laine, & Lehtinen, 2018a), image super-resolution (Ledig et al., 2016), image in-painting (Yeh et al., 2016; Yu et al., 2019), data augmentation (Frid-Adar...