照片 关于 House Wren, Troglodytes troglodytes,在他们的巢门å£ï¼Œ Wren, Troglodytes,在他们的巢门å£ï¼
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)(1) Wren and Porikli (2005) [155] Discrete Fourier transform (2D-DFT)(1) Tsai and Chiu (2008) [156] Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) (10) Porikli and Wren (2015) [157] Wavelet Transform (WT) (28) Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) (3) Huang and Hsieh ...
Participants also used a House Wren ageing guide to produce age estimates of nestling Eastern Bluebirds and an Eastern Bluebird ageing guide to produce age estimates of House Wren nestlings (n = 54 total participants and 2565 age estimates). Ages of nestling bluebirds were generally underestimated...
Given this large dataset of images with noisy visual pre- dictions and text labels, we manage to learn quite good pre- dictors of high-level content, even for categories with rel- atively high intra-class variation (e.g. girl, boy, market, house). We show some results of images with...
家鹪鹩 豪斯伦 aedon房子穴居人鹪鹩 家鹪鹩 房子蠕虫鹪鹩 家鹪鹩 更多库存图片Larry Burk。 图集 Related categories 自然细节 自然季节特色 动物鸟类 Browse categories IT&C. 人 传媒 商业 工业 技术 抽象 插图 旅游 物体 网页设计图形 艺术和建筑 节假日...
miller creek and a few other favorite places 艺术馆首页>in the sumac house wren 对作品评分(还没有人评分) 给图片打分
首页 联系方式 登录 miller creek and a few other favorite places展厅目录 最新上传 最新评论 热门作品 最高评分 我的最爱 按日期 搜索 艺术馆首页 > in the sumac作品18/51 house wren 对作品评分 (还没有人评分) 给图片打分Powered by Coppermine Photo Gallery...
松树雪屋冬季剪纸风格(pngtree-snow-house-pine-trees-winter-papercut-paper-cut-style) 幸福是奋斗出来 7个月前 树上有几个松果(several-pine-cones-are-on-the-tree) 幸福是奋斗出来 7个月前 冬松树水彩(winter-pine-tree-watercolor) 幸福是奋斗出来 7个月前 热带松树(pine-tree-tropical-tree...
hanolatblaoirirowrendeentttmosoeaseeoerigaidnpaegrngarri-artnt-nilabchidoctyatpoaiyoygitsllsuhluirayoeadognyanberbrnes,ptntooietpbaithnhvnehvilutyngseenhgeet,, orsienirgsstpnhionaenlgsrsl,eeeos-cpbruoistrnivnsseigeglbnceyu-ablrtsivrt,aesbdibyginynpgtaorlFassWdt,-birCneygaopdFrooWflsutu-tCrxd...
2. Materials and Methods Experiments were conducted in ten (10 L) pots that were placed in a net-house. Half of the pots were filled with soil containing 10 parts per million (ppm) of O. cumana seeds that were mixed with the soil to homogeneity. The other half was not mixed O. ...