Photo about Homemade Chinese Egg Foo Yung Omelette with Rice. Image of background, leek, yung - 181675567
energies Article Image Recognition of Icing Thickness on Power Transmission Lines Based on a Least Squares Hough Transform Jingjing Wang 1, Junhua Wang 2,*, Jianwei Shao 2 and Jiangui Li 3,* 1 School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China; 2...
diagnostics Article Effects of Sex and Age on Fat Fraction, Diffusion-Weighted Image Signal Intensity and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in the Bone Marrow of Asymptomatic Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Whole-Body MRI Study Alberto Colombo 1,* , Luca Bombelli 1, Paul E. Summers 1 , Giulia Saia...
applied sciences Article Chinese Character Image Completion Using a Generative Latent Variable Model In-su Jo 1, Dong-bin Choi 1 and Young B. Park 2,* 1 Department of Computer, Dankook University, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 16890, Korea; (I.-s.J.); 72200118@dankook....
applied sciences Article A Novel Image Feature for the Remaining Useful Lifetime Prediction of Bearings Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform and Convolutional Neural Network Youngji Yoo and Jun-Geol Baek * ID Department of Industrial Management Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Korea; kakiro...
electronics Article Small Sample Hyperspectral Image Classification Method Based on Dual-Channel Spectral Enhancement Network Songwei Pei, Hong Song * and Yinning Lu School of Computer Science (National Pilot Software Engineering School), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, ...
An AI-based segmentation model performs segmentation by categorizing each pixel of the input images as either belonging to the structure of interest (foreground//ppoossiittiivvee))oorrnnoott (bbaacckkggrroouunndd//nneeggaatitvive)e.).TTaabblele11pprroovvidideessaassuummmmaarryyooff ssee-- ...
young man's death, the image of Said's brutalized face—one that recalls eerily the 1955 photograph of a young and severely tortured Emmitt Till in the United States that helped galvanize the civil rights movement—spread rapidly online and on the streets.3 It would become in art critic Nat...
sensors Article Anomaly Detection of GAN Industrial Image Based on Attention Feature Fusion Lin Zhang 1, Yang Dai 1, Fuyou Fan 2 and Chunlin He 1,* 1 School of Computer Science, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637000, China 2 Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Yibin ...
applied sciences Article Robust Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on ASIFT against Geometric Attacks Chengyou Wang ID , Yunpeng Zhang ID and Xiao Zhou * ID School of Mechanical, Electrical and Information Engineering, Shandong University, Weihai 264209, China; (C.W.); zh...