Most work has been performed on the more dense ON-OFF cell type (see reviews by Taylor and Vaney, 2002; Demb, 2007; Zhou and Lee, 2008). A directionally selective ganglion cell responds best to an object moving in one (preferred) of four directions (up, down, left or right) and ...
It also suffers from other well-known drawbacks such as reduced accuracy in breasts rich in radiodense glandular tissue where the sensitivity falls from around 90% to between 40–60%7, the use of ionizing radiation (albeit at low doses), and the requirement for painful breast compression. ...
• Dense breast tissue- Women with higher density breast tissue are more likely to develop breast cancer than those with lower density breast tissue, as these women have less fat and more breast cells and connective tissue in their breasts. Some avoidable factors include: • Consumption of ...
Microscopic image segmentation (MIS) is a fundamental task in medical imaging and biological research, essential for precise analysis of cellular structures and tissues. Despite its importance, the segmentation process encounters significant challenges,
Furthermore, we used the hyperbolic tangent tanhtanh to integrate in a non-linear way the output of both the forward and backward states. 3.4. Decoder The last module incorporated in our design is the CNN decoding block. Our decoder follows the regular U-Net decoder with five deconvolutional ...