View the ModDB Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm for Dawn of War image David against Goliath
zidane's world cup exit featuring 2000 individually hand drawn characters All characters and incidents have been individually drawn. Once inked, I would scan and colour the drawing in Photoshop. I would then drag the illustration into the main image, placing it in a suitable position. ...
How One-Year Old David Routed 128-Year-Old Goliath: Clean Image of Candidates, Transparent Funding, United Fight Acted in Favour of AAP[1]Aggarwal, Mayank
It's difficult to find a way to work Vilnius, Lithuania and San Jose, California into the same sentence. One is the 14th century capital of a small Western European republic, while the other is some 400 years its junior and sits at the heart of California's Silicon Valley. ...