We do this once now instead of doing it at run-time. Those ground-truth depth maps of natural images must be place under REPO_NAME/data/coco_val2017_depth. Generate them with:python datasets_preparation.py --coco17_depth B. About the modelsB.I. Existing depth estimator on natural image...
We evaluate ZoDiac on three benchmarks, MS-COCO, DiffusionDB, and WikiArt, and find that ZoDiac is robust against state-of-the-art watermark attacks, with a watermark detection rate above 98% and a false positive rate below 6.4%, outperforming state-of-the-art watermarking methods. We ...
5.1. Closed-set Grounded Text2Img Generation We first evaluate the generation quality and grounding accuracy of our model in a closed-set setting. For this, we train and evaluate on the COCO2014 [36] dataset, which is a standard benchmark used in the text2img literature [45, 50, ...
Image Caption generation is the process of generating textual descriptions of the images by using natural language processing and computer vision. This review explores the burgeoning field of automatic image caption generation, utilizing natural language processing as well as computer vision. This work is...
This report presents our submission to the MS COCO Captioning Challenge 2015. The method uses Convolutional Neural Network activations as an embedding to find semantically similar images. From these images, the most typical caption is selected based on unigram frequencies. Although the method received ...
The weights of both models are available on ourNexcloudwith password: xkL4ezPMsw To cite this work Paper: Martin, P.-E., Kachel, G., Wieg, N., Eckert, J., & Haun, D. ApeTI: A Thermal Image Dataset for Face and Nose Segmentation with Apes. Signals 2024, 5, 147-164.https://do...
Image denoising faces significant challenges, arising from the sources of noise. Specifically, Gaussian, impulse, salt, pepper, and speckle noise are compl
Tamil is a language that has the most extended history and is a conventional language of India. It has antique origins and a distinct tradition. A study reveals that at the beginning of the twenty-first century, more than 66 million people spoke Tamil. I
Abstract Although image inpainting, or the art of repairing the old and deteriorated images, has been around for many years, it has recently gained even more popularity, because of the recent development in image processing techniques. With the improvement of image processing tools and the flexibili...
Table 1 bench- marks the performance of CAMERAS for pointing game on 4, 952 images of PASCAL VOC test set [7], and ∼ 50K images of COCO 2014 validation set [16]. Our technique consistently shows superior performance, achieving up to 27.5% error...