-or- Set a mask of the configuration parameters for which this drawable may change, requiring that it be re-created. (Inherited from Drawable) Class Returns the runtime class of this Object. (Inherited from Object) ColorFilter Returns the current color filter, or null if none set. (...
Presents information on a study which developed an efficient technique for real-time infrared image registration and high-resolution reconstruction by using multiple frames which are randomly shifted with respect to one another. Methodology of the study; Results and discussion on the study; Conclusions....
Or more generally, calling #acquireLatestImage with less than two images of margin, that is (maxImages - currentAcquiredImages < 2) will not discard as expected. This operation will fail by throwing an IllegalStateException if maxImages have been acquired with #acquireLatestImage or #acquireNext...
198,245 0 Never Add comment Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! text113.49 KB| None|00 rawdownloadcloneembedprintreport ...
Thus, shadow impacts the performance of other vision tasks such as image segmenta- tion [1, 22], semantic segmentation [23, 54], object recogni- tion and tracking [5, 21, 27, 30, 33, 57]. 1788 The shadow removal task is, essentially, an image restoration task aiming at...
Focused ultrasound (FUS) has recently been investigated as a new mode of non-invasive brain stimulation, which offers exquisite spatial resolution and depth control. We report on the elicitation of explicit somatosensory sensations as well as accompanyin
Registering an Offer Model Querying an Offer Model Querying Offer Models Updating the Entire Offer Model Updating Part of an Offer Model Adding a Message to an Offer Model Adding an Offer Instance Querying an Offer Instance Querying Offer Instances Updating the Entire Offer Instance ...
Lär dig hur du skapar en JSON-mall för Bicep-filer eller ARM-mallar som ska användas med Azure Image Builder.
According to this interpretation, a rewriting of history on the basis of this kind of interpretation is a desideratum. In the epilogue of his book, Robert Wilken said: "Every act of historical understanding is an act of empathy. When I began to study John Chrysostom's writings on the Jews...