--- The Lagoon, is a single level mod for Trespasser. To be precise, instead of using the Trespasser engine, it will use the Trespasser Demo engine. This is because of the requirement for certain add-ons (specifically ATX) that must be installed for this mod to function at its full ...
(Image credit: Courtesy American Museum of Natural History) Velociraptor, which means “speedy thief,” had a sharp, deadly, sickle-shaped, retractable, 3.5-inch (9 cm) claw on each foot (located on each second toe). The Velociraptor may have been able to run up to roughly 40 mph (60...
(Site B)) populated by dinosaurs and you will have to use your survival skills to make it through a large story of being lost on this unforgiving island. The game will include many kinds of dinosaur, seen in the jurassic park films. Such as T rex, spinosaurs, velociraptor and many ...
Well, we see there are twodinosaurs, but to be more precise, they arevelociraptors. Clearly, this is akitchenof some sort, but it’s not a kitchen like in your house or apartment. Everything is stainless steel and industrial grade — this is clearly arestaurant kitchen...
Ahead of DC FanDome next weekend, a new teaser image for Gotham Knights drops some big hints about the ramifications of Bruce Wayne's death, while hinting at a lot of Easter Eggs for fans of the Dark Knight.
We’ll let you in on a little secret… We’ve already done it. Raptorize was created because there was a meme going around the design community about putting velociraptors in visual designs, and we thought there was serious potential for that to live in code. We also wanted...
Raptors are also translated as velociraptor, Velociraptor and Raptor. If you have seen the first Jurassic Park, you can’t help but feel scared of the Raptors. This kind of dinosaur moves quickly, is good at collective fighting, and can also formulate intelligent attack strategies. But in fact...
velociraptor24 - Apr 19 2014 - 349 comments Why does he look kind of like David Tennant? Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes Post a comment Sign in or join with: Only registered members can share their thoughts. So come on! Join the community today (totally free - or sign in ...
velociraptor24 - Feb 27 2015 - 349 comments Why doesn't anybody else use the double barreled? Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote Post a comment Sign in or join with: Only registered members can share their thoughts. So come on! Join the community today (totally free - or sign ...
Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes velociraptor24 - Feb 8 2013 - 349 comments And a butt to the face is instant death too. Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote HartstokITA - Feb 9 2013 - 231 comments very nice job mate :D Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes Post...