Microservices. Since microservices work best when they are lightweight and easy to scale, each service image should be less than200 MB. Data processing. Images related to data processing and analytics should aim for500 MBor less. However, the image size can reach1 GBdepending on the tools and...
Microservices. Since microservices work best when they are lightweight and easy to scale, each service image should be less than200 MB. Data processing. Images related to data processing and analytics should aim for500 MBor less. However, the image size can reach1 GBdepending on the tools and...
200]im_crop = im1.crop(box)im1.paste(im_crop,(200,200,400,400)) #等价于im1.paste(im_crop,(200,200))im1.save("test2.jpg")from PIL import Imageim1 = Image.open("test1.jpg")im1.paste((256,256,256),(200,100,500,200))im1.save("test2.jpg")#注:图像im1的(200,100)位置...
Removed images less than 5KB image size. Removed images with an aspect ratio greater than 3.0. Removed images with min(width, height) < 200. Removed images with a score of OpenNSFW2 or GantMan/NSFW higher than 0.5. Removed all duplicate images based on the image pHash value from external...
og:image : Image(JPG or PNG) of size less than 300KB and minimum dimension of 300 x 200 pixel is advised. favicon : A small icon of dimensions 32 x 32 pixels. In the above page, you have the required specifications, the character limit and sample tags. ...
1c). Both RLN and DDN are lightweight models, using less than 1/60th the number of learning parameters than CARE and RCAN. The time required to train an RLN model is comparable to CARE and DDN, but roughly three times faster than RCAN (for example, for 100 iterations with 64 ×...
FastImage.resizeMode.contain- Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding). ...
However, the image quality is degraded because the number of photons in each energy bin is less than the number of photons in the full spectrum. To reconstruct high quality spectral CT images with narrow energy bins, we developed a total image constrained diffusion tensor (TICDT) for ...
The paper reports that EC2 instances are fast, responsive, and very reliable; a new instance could be started in less than two minutes. During the year of testing, one unscheduled reboot and one instance freeze were experienced. No data was lost during the reboot, but no data could be ...
Removed images less than 5KB image size. Removed images with an aspect ratio greater than 3.0. Removed images with min(width, height) < 200. Removed images with a score of OpenNSFW2 or GantMan/NSFW higher than 0.5. Removed all duplicate images based on the image pHash value from external...