(In my case i didn't used any special graphical background for tkinter window, its just only a simple plain color) 29th Sep 2021, 6:59 AM AKSHAY🇮🇳 + 3 You should use canvas widget in tkinter. That explains it very well: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56554692/unable-to-put...
在用Tkinter进行编程时,需要在一个Frame下显示多个图片,但是不管怎么设置都是只显示最后一张,就像这样: 代码 foriinrange(3): ... image=ImageTk.PhotoImage(f'img{i}.png')#分别打开img1,img2,img3并显示Label(window, image=image, bg='green').place(x=60 + rw * i, y=500) 结果 本来红线处还...
Load Image in Tkinter from Pygame Surface in Python - Combining the power of Pygame for graphical rendering and Tkinter for creating GUIs can lead to robust applications with engaging visual elements. In this tutorial, we will explore the integration of
在用Tkinter进行编程时,需要在一个Frame下显示多个图片,但是不管怎么设置都是只显示最后一张,就像这样: 代码 for i in range(3): ... image=ImageTk.PhotoImage(f'img{i}.png')#分别打开img1,img2,img3并显示 Label(window, image=image, bg='green').place(x=60 + rw * i, y=500) 结果 本来红...
window.mainloop() 在网上寻找解决办法,了解到更改图片后缀并不能修改图片格式。(网上参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28740462/tkinter-couldnt-recognize-data-in-image-file) 所以,重新百度搜索一张GIF图片,下载后命名为c.gif(或者d.jpg),只要保存图片格式为GIF Image,再运行以下代码: ...
_tkinter.TclError: couldn't recognize data in image file "background.png" 当我在图形init函数期间尝试将图像设置为背景时,会发生这种情况。 def __init__(self): self.window = turtle.Screen() self.window.setup(724, 724) self.window.bgpic("background.png") ...
使用tkinter调整图像大小可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 导入tkinter模块: ```python import tkinter as tk from PIL import Image, Im...
_tkinter.TclError: couldn't recognize data in image file "inputimg.PNG" I tried using the absolute path to the image but it gives the same error. Have you made your window resizable in case it need to expand? Yes, the mainWin is resizable. Can you post your code somewhere? import Py...
已解决:_tkinter.TcLError: couldn’t recognize data in image file “Image/nakamuraan.gif” 一、分析问题背景 在使用Tkinter进行图形用户界面(GUI)编程时,我们通常会加载图片文件以增强应用程序的视觉效果。然而,有时候加载图片文件时可能会遇到错误,例如“_tkinter.TclError: couldn’t recognize data in image ...