In APA reference citations, writetitles in sentence caseexceptperiodicals(newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, etc.)—so capitalize only the first word of a title, the first word after a colon, and proper nouns. In text, however, use the title case. In-text citations are much simpler....
In-text citation Parenthetical(Monet 1900) NarrativeMonet (2020) Citing an infographic According to APA 7, infographics are treated identically to any other type of image or photograph. Infographics tend to include all the necessary reference information within the image itself, usually in the bottom...
All acquisition parameters are shown in Table 2. The maximum duration for the T1w image is 7:50 min and the minimum is 6:52 min when no re-acquisition is necessary. For the T2w image, the maximum duration allowed is 6:58 min and minimum is 6:01 min. The vNavs are low-resolution...
Text matching is case insensitive in all cases. The database, XML schema (XSD) and Solr representations share a common high-level schema such that the information storage is split three ways: image information, channel information and ROI/annotation information. This is represented in a simplified...
The Image of African-American Females in Advertising: A Content Analysis of African-American Magazines in 2007Long, MiaNichols, CynthiaMurray, CreshemaMoody, Terra
Text matching is case insensitive in all cases. The database, XML schema (XSD) and Solr representations share a common high-level schema such that the information storage is split three ways: image information, channel information and ROI/annotation information. This is represented in a simplified...
Citing an online image in MLA style For citing online images in MLA, the surname of the artists is used in narrative and parenthetical citations. In-text citation template and example: Narrative: Artist Surname demonstrates . . . Butcher demonstrates . . . ...
2618 Accesses 12 Citations 1 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract The importance of affect processing to human behavior has long driven researchers to pursue its measurement. In this study, we compared the relative fidelity of measurements of neural activation and physiology (i.e., heart rate change)...
The problem arises, however, in the presentation of the graphics data. Generally, the visual display of graphics data on a CRT display has been accomplished with an All Points Addressable (APA) display. Word processing systems typically use a character box or non-APA display. The advantage of...
Applying the discrepancy principle to estimate\alphain (1.6) or\lambdain (1.7), the image restoration problem can be formulated as a constrained optimization problem of the form \begin{aligned} \min _{u\in BV(\varOmega )} \int _\varOmega |Du| \quad \text {subject to (s.t.)} \quad...