on the left side of Teams, and click the group chat you’d like to personalize. Above the chat, hover over the profile picture to the left of the group's name to selectChange profile picture. A new window will open with the option to upload your own image or choose a...
"microsoft-teams":"Microsoft Teams","external":"Blogs","microsoft-endpoint-manager":"Microsoft Intune and Configuration Manager","startupsat-microsoft":"Startups at Microsoft","exchange":"Exchange","a-i":"AI and Machine Learning","io-t":"Internet of Things (IoT)","outlook":...
Teams chat (chat) Territory Theme Time Stamp Date Mapping (TimeStampDateMapping) Time Zone Definition (TimeZoneDefinition) Time Zone Localized Name (TimeZoneLocalizedName) Time Zone Rule (TimeZoneRule) Timeline Pin (msdyn_timelinepin) Tour (msdyn_tour) Trace (TraceLog) Transformation Mapping (T...
BusinessChat CFNetwork CloudKit 壓縮 連絡 ContactsUI CoreAnimation CoreAudioKit CoreBluetooth CoreData CoreFoundation CoreGraphics CoreImage CoreLocation CoreMedia CoreMidi CoreML CoreServices CoreSpotlight CoreText CoreVideo CoreWlan 達爾文 EventKit ExternalAccessory FinderSync Foundation GameController GameKit GameKi...
POST {endpoint}/chat/threads/{chatThreadId}/images?api-version=2024-03-15-preview URI-Parameter Tabelle erweitern NameInErforderlichTypBeschreibung chatThreadId path True string Thread-ID, zu der das hochgeladene Bild gehört. (Nur Teams-Besprechung) endpoint path True string Der End...
Microsoft Teams Virtual Events (deprecated) [DEPRECATED] Microsoft To-Do (Business) Microsoft To-Do (Consumer) Microsoft Translator [DEPRECATED] Microsoft Translator V2 Microsoft Translator V3 Mime Automation (Independent Publisher) Mintlify (Independent Publisher) MintNFT (Independent Publisher) Miro (Inde...
Teams chat (chat) Territory Theme Time Stamp Date Mapping (TimeStampDateMapping) Time Zone Definition (TimeZoneDefinition) Time Zone Localized Name (TimeZoneLocalizedName) Time Zone Rule (TimeZoneRule) Timeline Pin (msdyn_timelinepin) Tour (msdyn_tour) Trace (TraceLog) Transformation Ma...
chat com.azure.communication.chat.models com.azure.communication.common com.azure.communication.identity com.azure.communication.identity.models com.azure.communication.phonenumbers.models com.azure.communication.phonenumbers com.azure.communication.sms.models com.azure.communication.sms com....
MicrosoftGraphTeamsTabConfiguration MicrosoftGraphTeamsTemplate MicrosoftGraphTextColumn MicrosoftGraphThumbnail MicrosoftGraphThumbnailSet MicrosoftGraphTimeOff MicrosoftGraphTimeOffItem MicrosoftGraphTimeOffReason MicrosoftGraphTimeOffReasonIconType MicrosoftGraphTimeOffRequest MicrosoftGraphTimeRange MicrosoftGraphTimeS...
image not visible in chat Tarun1330, just found a fix at https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams/attached-images-in-teams-does-not-show-up/m-p/1353081#M56282. "Not sure if this answers the original issue but I had a broken image icon when looking back at old ...