数据预处理采用多尺度Retinex理论生成了n张不同程度的暗光图像作为输入,其公式如下: M表示暗光图片,X1表示经过3*3卷积层得到的feature map。 网络结构部分采用CNN结合残差结构,结合每层的feature map与X1做差值得到X2,其公式如下: 最后对X2做1*1的卷积操作即可使色彩还原,本文并没有提及细节,所以我不太理解其如何...
论文阅读笔记---MBLLEN: Low-light Image/Video Enhancement Using CNNs,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
暗光增强论文Attention Guided Low-light Image Enhancement with a Large Scale Low-light Simulation Dataset翻译 。 Enhancement-Net 其动机是将增强问题分解为几个不同方面的子问题(如去噪、保留纹理、色彩校正等),分别进行求解,通过多分支产生最终输出融合。特征提取模块(FEM)、增强模块(EM)和融合模块(FM)是该网...
Unsupervised Image Enhancement Using GANs This repository implements an unsupervised image enhancement algorithm combining Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Designed primarily for dental imaging applications, the algorithm addresses challenges such as inconsistent ligh...
AN EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP OF A GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE FOR IMAGE ENHANCEMENT USING CNNdoi:10.24874/PES05.02.012Mehra, RajniChaudhary, PrachiProceedings on Engineering Sciences
In this blog post, I would like to demonstrate how one can enhance the quality and extract meaningful information from a low resolution /blurred image/low contrast using image processing. I have a…
by too deep convolution. In order to guide the two branches to learn local information and global information better, branch L adds a parallel residual mixer (PRM) each time after using ordinary convolution, and branch G embeds a dilated convolution with multi-grid parameters to expand the ...
Image enhancement of underwater images has numerous practical applications, including target detection, marine environment monitoring, wreck detection, and military operations. By using image processing techniques to improve the quality of these images, we can gain access to a wealth of information that...
image HDR enhancement 深度学习 deep residual learning for image recognition,DeepResidualLearningforImageRecognition深层次的神经网络更难训练。何凯明等人提出了一个残差学习框架,以简化比以前使用的网络更深的网络训练。明确地将层重新表示为参考层输入的学习残差
CVPR 2016Blind image deblurring using dark channel priorDeblurringDark channelFirst work; Min operator linear approximation CVPR 2017Image deblurring via extreme channels priorDeblurringBright channelFirst work; Kernel estimation; Bright image ICIP 2017Low-light image enhancement using CNN and bright channel...