Sleepless and desynchronized: Impaired inter trial phase coherence of steady-state potentials following sleep deprivation M. Eidelman-Rothman, E. Ben-Simon, D. Freche, A. Keil, ... N. Levit-Binnun Article 116055 Article preview select article Bifurcation structure determines different phase-amplitud...
标题煤气灶玻璃DeGroot 作品数量2897 张作品 最大尺寸 6000 x 4000 px 存储大小9.82 MB 第三方权利说明不涉及肖像权或物权授权 关键词 查看更多 丙烷火球厨房火焰厨房火盆天然气海蛤火电器大特写烤炉圆形摄影能源起居室里面室内黑色热家庭生活商务烹调水平画幅特写生活方式住宅房间商业金融和工业蓝色相关...
Box for predicting the person. Box for predicting the dog. And I got these predicted boxes by the following modifications: Atdef, ... for j in range(1, detections.size(1)): ... for k in range(boxes.shape[0]): point_left_up = (int(boxes[k, 0]), int(boxes...
简 繁 日 More 72pt 48pt 36pt 24pt 18pt 16pt 14pt 12pt Main parameters of font Full name of font:TheMix 3-Light Caps Regular Family:TheMix 3-Light Caps Style:Regular Font version:Version 1.0 | Luc{as} de Groot 1994 | | Homemade OpenType version ...
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B.体肺分流相关性肺动脉高压 中-大型缺损,肺血管阻力轻度或中度增高,存在大量体-肺分流,静息状态下无紫 绀. C.小型缺损伴肺动脉高压 某些小型缺损合并肺动脉高压,临床表现与特发性肺动脉高压相似. D.手术后 PAH 先天性心血管畸形已手术矫正,无明显残余分流或手术损伤,但术后立即,数月或 数年之后再次出现肺...
Melody N. Grohs, Jess E. Reynolds, Deborah Dewey, Catherine Lebel Pages 828-835 Article preview select article Angular resolution enhancement technique for diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) using predicted diffusion gradient directions Research articleAbstract only Angular resolution enhancement technique for...
Iskander-Rizk, S.; Kruizinga, P.; Beurskens, R.; Springeling, G.; Mastik, F.; de Groot, N.M.; Knops, P.; van der Steen, A.F.; van Soest, G. Real-time photoacoustic assessment of radiofrequency ablation lesion formation in the left atrium. Photoacoustics 2019, 16, 100150. [Goog...
Huang, J.; Rauscher, S.; Nawrocki, G.; Ran, T.; Feig, M.; De Groot, B.L.; Grubmüller, H.; MacKerell, A.D. CHARMM36m: An improved force field for folded and intrinsically disordered proteins. Nat. Methods 2016, 14, 71–73. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] He, X.; Man, V....
s first proton therapy centre of treating 40 patients with medulloblastoma (38 children and adolescents, 2 adults) who received image-guided, intensity-modulated proton therapy with pencil-beam scanning between 2019 and 2023, with a focus on dosimetry, acute toxicities, and early survival outcomes....