SophieLantheaume, LydiaFernandez, StéphaneLantheaume, MathieuBosset, ArnaudPagès, StéphanieBlois-Da Conceição. (2015) Cancer du sein, image du corps et Psychothérapie par Médiation Photographique (PMP). Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique /...
Cancer du sein dysfonction sexuelle image du corps Female Sexual Function Index Body Image Scale Breast cancer sexual dysfunction body image Female Sexual Function Index Body Image Scale Introduction Le cancer du sein (CS) est un problème de santé publique majeur. Selon les données de l’organis...
Image in medicine Fetus papyraceous is characterized by the intrauterine fetal demise of a twin occurring early in pregnancy, which is then compressed between membranes and the uterine wall. After a while, the fetus becomes mummified and resembles parchment paper. It is a rare complication with a...
aLes règles de conception mécanique et de dimensionnement, appliquées au sein de notre bureau d’études, sont fondées sur l’application des codes de calcul, mais surtout sur notre expertise en matière de fiabilité et notre maîtrise du comportement local de la structure hétérogène de...
doi:REVINF-04-2008-57-139-1293-8505-101019-200805162AnimalsRats, Inbred StrainsRatsPeriosteumFibulaMechanoreceptorsBone ResorptionOsteolysisTibial FracturesFracture Fixation, IntramedullaryAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only....
Breast cancerWomanCoupleBody imageThe quality of couple relation and sexuality, along with the impact of the patient's surrounding are decisive for the protection or alteration of her body image.doi:10.1016/j.bulcan.2018.01.008Faten, Ellouze...
Du, Y.; Li, Q.; Sidorenkov, G.; Vonder, M.; Cai, J.; de Bock, G.H.; Guan, Y.; Xia, Y.; Zhou, X.; Zhang, D.; et al. Computed Tomography Screening for Early Lung Cancer, COPD and Cardiovascular Disease in Shanghai: Rationale and Design of a Population-based Comparative ...
Optical coherence tomography in detection of dysplasia and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and bilio-pancreatic ductal system. World J. Gastroenterol. 2008, 14, 6444–6452. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 13. Suter, M.J.; Vakoc, B.J.; Yachimski, P.S.; Shishkov, M.; Lauwers, G.Y.; Mino...
1. Introduction Whole-body MRI (WB-MRI) has become an established tool for the management of several cancer histotypes, with applications in assessing the extent of disease and evaluating response to therapy [1–4]. Its use has been extended to subjects with cancer predisposition syndromes and,...
Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) System is Promising Device to Detect Superficial Pharyngeal Cancer at an Early Stage in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Gastrointest. Endosc. 2006, 63, AB250. [CrossRef] 3. Hashimoto, J. Finger Vein Authentication Technology and its Future. In ...