This is the task of image classification using representations learnt with self-supervised learning. Self-supervised methods generally involve a pretext task that is solved to learn a good representation and a loss function to learn with. One example of
Classification General Classification Image Classification Datasets Edit Add Datasets introduced or used in this paper Results from the Paper Edit Submit results from this paper to get state-of-the-art GitHub badges and help the community compare results to other papers. Methods...
CNNs have increasingly demonstrated irreplaceable superiority in image classification. With the successful application of CNN to large-scale visual classification tasks, around 2015, the application of CNNs has finally taken off in the remote sensing image analysis field [28,29]. A variety of CNN-...
I believe image classification is a great start point before diving into other computer vision fields, espacially for begginers who know nothing about deep learning. When I started to learn computer vision, I've made a lot of mistakes, I wish someone could have told me that which paper I ...
Code Issues Pull requests tensorflowcnnkaggleimage-classifiertransfer-learningintel-image-classification UpdatedJul 10, 2020 Jupyter Notebook A novel architecture for enhancing image classification. Reference paper:
补充的一些知识点(Supplementary paper) 这篇论文是大神Alex Krizhevsky、Ilya Sutskever、Geoffrey E. Hinton三人2012年在《Advances in neural information processing systems》上发表的,讲的是这三人提出的AlexNet深度卷积神经网络,摘得了2012年ILSVRC比赛的桂冠,该文章的重要意义在于其在ImageNet比赛中以巨大的优势击败...
论文地址: 要点 也许你曾经苦苦搜索过一些神经网络的训练技巧, 看到 "Bag of Tricks ..." 就不要错过了. 文如其名, 本文就梳理了多种技巧, 有训练效率上的, 有模型微调的等等, 许多技巧其实不只限于 Image Classification, 可以直接或者推广到其他领域或者模型. 按行文梳理如...
本文介绍了Alex net 在imageNet Classification 中的惊人表现,获得了ImagaNet LSVRC2012第一的好成绩,开启了卷积神经网络在cv领域的广泛应用。 1.数据集 ImageNet [6], which consists of over 15 million labeled high-resolution images in over 22,000 categories. ...
ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Alex Krizhevsky University of Toronto Ilya Sutskever University of
This paper proposes a computer vision based image classification approach to classify plastic wastes based on their resin identification code, to enable an efficient recycling of these wastes. While classification approaches to deal with waste plastic can be developed for known kinds of plastic, there...