Text-based visual attentionTransposed weight sharingAttention mechanisms have attracted considerable interest in image captioning due to its powerful performance. However, many visual attention models lack of considering correlation between image and textual context, which may lead to attention vectors ...
1. Background and Motivation: 为了获得更好的特征表达来做 Image Captioning 任务,作者提出利用 Attention model 来增强最终的性能。具体来说提出两种模型,即“Hard Attention” 和“Soft Attention”。 2. Image Caption Generation with Attention Mechanism 2.1. Model Details: 2.1.1. Encoder: Convolutional Featu...
(2014) Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention类比人看图说话:当人在解说一幅图片的时候,每预测一个字,会关注到图片上的不同位置。在解码器预测文字的时候,会关注到跟当前文字内容和图片最相关的位置。举例:a woman standing in a living room holding a Wii remote . ...
14×14×512 ——>1×512:soft attention或者hard attention如果是soft attention,本文没有直接通过全连接得到dense的向量来表示这个图片,为了能够让每个time step的输入有不同的关注点(每个时刻都分别进行attention),于是对这196个分别代表了196个区域的的向量取加权相加得到了一个512维的向量来表示这张图片,也就是...
《Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention》阅读笔记,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
在这篇文章中,作者将“注意力机制(Attention Mechanism)”引入了神经机器翻译(Neural Image Captioning)领域,提出了两种不同的注意力机制:‘Soft’ Deterministic Attention Mechanism & ‘Hard’ Stochastic Attention Mechanism。下图展示了"Show, Attend and Tell"模型的整体框架。
attention technique [26]. A multitask learning method through a dual learning mechanism for cross-domain image captioning is proposed in [27]. It uses reinforced learning algorithm to acquire highly rewarded captions. Attempts for better caption generation has also been done with the development of...
attention(show, attention and tell: neural image caption generation with visual attention) 论文:http://proceedings.mlr.press/v37/xuc15.pdf 摘要: 论文提出了 attention (注意力)机制,可以自动的学习描述图片内容,论文描述了如何使用标准的反向传播算法技巧和随机最大化变量下届来定向训练模型。论文通过可视化...
2、《Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention》 3、《What value Do Explicit High Level Concepts Have in Vision to Language Problems?》 4、《Mind’s Eye: A Recurrent Visual Representation for Image Caption Generation》...
Knowing When to Look: Adaptive Attention via A Visual Sentinel for Image Captioning 该文主要提出了何时利用何种特征的概念。由于有些描述单词可能并不直接和图像相关,而是可以从当前生成的描述中推测出来,所以当前单词的生成可能依赖图像,也可能依赖于语言模型。基于以上思想,作者提出了“视觉哨兵”的概念,能够以自...