Alternatively, you can download the repository via git clone and install by using python sdist && sudo pip install dist/imgaug-0.2.6.tar.gz. To deinstall the library, just execute sudo pip uninstall imgaug. Overview of most augmenters The images ...
Explore All features Documentation GitHub Skills Blog Solutions By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups Nonprofits By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all sol...
2020 Evaluation of Deep Learning to Augment Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Head and Neck and Prostate Cancers Ozan Oktay, PhD1; Jay Nanavati, MS1; Anton Schwaighofer, PhD1; et al David Carter, PhD1; Melissa Bristow, MS1; Ryutaro Tanno, PhD1; Rajesh Jena, MD1; Gill Barnett, MD1; David No...
Image Processing 必备(四):Imgaug之增强标记KeyPoints 官方教程: 经过前三节官方教程的学习后,对于如何使用imgaug对图像进行图像增强有了一定的了解。其中涉及到比较细致的图像和关键点Keypoints一起增...
Le cas échéant, vous pouvez seulement augmenter la taille du disque du système d’exploitation (Windows et Linux). La valeur 0 indique de conserver la taille de l’image source. Vous ne pouvez pas choisir une taille de disque du système d’exploitation inférieure à celle de l’...
两个东西差不多,就是上次看到SmartAugment方法。随机采样类内图片进行通道叠加然后输出融合图像,学通过梯度下降使得输出图像的类内差距减小(没考虑类间关系,可能也不便处理)。 AutoAugment 谷歌最早做的自学习增强方法,走的NAS的思路RL+RNN搜索增强空间,还有后来最近发的检测增强也是大同小异,基本就是换汤不换药,问题在...
受RepeatAugment 成功的启发,这表明在mini-batch中复制样本是一种提高泛化能力的有效技术,作者复制加载的数据点并每次对其应用不同的掩码。即使使用复制的样本,模型的非掩蔽输入也是不同的,因为随机裁剪和掩蔽在副本中是不同的。 3.2 Implementation Details
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《Domain Adaptive Imitation Learning》(2020) GitHub:https://《Training Generative Adversarial Networks by Solving Ordinary Differential Equations》(2020) GitHub:https://《SelfAugment: Automatic Augmentation Policies for Self-Supervised Learning...
Augmenter les décimales IncreaseFontSize IncreaseHorizontalSpacing IncreaseIndent IncreaseVerticalSpacing InferSharp Infini InfoTipInline InfrarougeDevice Héritage InheritedForm InheritedUserControl InitializeCorrelation InitializeGitRepository InitialNode InkCanvas InkPresenter En ligne Entrée InputParameter InputPin Inse...