calc(var(--speed) * var(--s)): The duration of a single animation * the number of rotations, that is, the total animation duration steps(var(--s))is the frame number of the frame-by-frame animation, here issteps(6), well understood calc(var(--s) * var(--h) * -1px))The h...
simple jQuery slider on CodePen. It is a website for developers and designers to share their front-end creations for exploring, optimizing and general use. The default demo only shows a text slider option. But, with a few modifications, anyone can include visual content like photos and ...
p class=”codepen” data-height=”974″ data-theme-id=”461″ data-default-tab=”result” data-user=”impressivewebs” data-slug-hash=”bGbJdYy” style=”height: 974px; box-sizing: border-box; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; border: 2px solid; margin: 1...
Here is a link to the pen The images won't load in this link because I have not linked them due to confidentiality concerns with my client. But I hope you will be able to figure out the code. The animation seems to be working fine to me. All that I'm concerned is about the ...
Sprinkle in some@keyframeswith a dash of creativity. Define the start, the mid-way point, end, or whatever in-between ‘frames’ you desire. Link this to your image on the hover, usinganimation: YourAnimationName 1s ease-in-out;. The image now grooves to your defined moves. ...
Image hit boxes not resizing/repositioning with image animation via GSAP ?? KeelyM Engaged , Sep 13, 2018 Copy link to clipboard Hi there, I have a bit of a niche question regarding using the GSAP javascript library within Captivate. I've used GSA...
Something that commonly pops up in conversations around border-image is that it does not function with border-radius. Example: Here is a recent article where border-image is listed as an honorable mention for a border animation because i...
Initial value: stretch Applies to: all elements (including the ::first-letter pseudo-element), except internal table elements when border-collapse is set to collapse. Inherited: no Percentages: n/a Computed value: two keywords, one per axis Animation type: discrete...
Engaged , /t5/captivate-discussions/image-hit-boxes-not-resizing-repositioning-with-image-animation-via-gsap/m-p/10087694#M264462 Sep 14, 2018 Sep 14, 2018 Copy link to clipboard Copied In Response To Jeremy_Shimmerman Thanks, Jeremy! Here's a simpl...
There’s no limit to how many background images you can set, and you can do cool things like animate your background images. There’s a good example of multiple background images with animation onDavid Walsh’s blog. Demo IEEdgeChromeFirefoxSafariOpera ...