. Jean-Claude Evard, On the Existence of Bases of Class Cp of the Kernel and the Image of a Matrix Function, Linear Algebra and its Applications 135 (1990), 33-67.J.-Cl. Evard, On the existence of bases of class Cp of the kernel and the image of a matrix function, Linear Algebra...
A blur simulating the the unfocused background of a larger-aperture camera with an iris shutter. CIBoxBlur Applies a blur created with a box-shaped convolution kernel. CIBumpDistortion A CIDistortionFilter that creates a bump at the specified center point. CIBumpDistortionLinear A filter that...
Image scaling enlarges the input image about the origin in x and y direction by the scaling factors r and s, denoted by the scaling matrix [r00s]. A uniform scaling is obtained by assigning g and h the same value of 1.2. The scaled image is then up sampled using bilinear interpolation...
MPSKernelOptions MPSKeyedUnarchiver MPSLSTMDescriptor MPSMatrix MPSMatrixBatchNormalization MPSMatrixBatchNormalizationGradient MPSMatrixBinaryKernel MPSMatrixCopy MPSMatrixCopyDescriptor MPSMatrixCopyOffsets MPSMatrixCopyToImage MPSMatrixDecompositionCholesky MPSMatrixDecompositionLU MPSMatrixDecompositionStatus MPSMatrixDe...
The UI has eight TextBox controls for the paths to the unzipped MNIST data files (one pixel file, one label file); the indices of the currently displayed and next image; and a seed value, kernel size, kernel standard deviation and intensity value for the distortion process. A DropDown ...
morph(size, kernel[, mul[, add=0[, threshold=False[, offset=0[, invert=False[, mask=None]]])¶ 使用滤波器内核对图像进行卷积。这允许您在图像上进行常规用途的卷积。 size 控制内核的大小,它必须是((size*2)+1)x((size*2)+1) 个元素大小。 kernel 是要将图像卷积的内核。它可以是一个整数...
Performs a copy of the underlying Objective-C object. (Inherited from MPSKernel) CopyWithZone(NSZone, IMTLDevice) Copies a shader for the specified device and zone. (Inherited from MPSKernel) DangerousAutorelease() (Inherited from NSObject) DangerousRelease() (Inherited from NSObject) Da...
All acquisitions were reconstructed using four reconstruction techniques: DLR (AiCE Body Sharp), HIR (AIDR 3D, kernel FC08), MBIR (FIRST Body Sharp), and FBP (kernel FC08). All reconstructions had a slice thickness of 1 mm and an interval of 0.8 mm. The field of view was set to 400...
In this survey, we focus on passive image forgery detection technology based on deep learning and robust image watermarking technology based on deep learning. There have been many reviews of passive forgery detection techniques over the last few years. Kuar et al. [2] created a detailed overview...
Color Correction Matrix (CCM) Apply aColor Correction Matrix (CCM), which can be calculated and saved inMulticharts. Saved values are entered whenImage Processingis opened. TheSet CCMbutton to the right of the CCM checkbox opens a window (shown on the right; click on thumbnail to view full...