附上新的驱动地址,对了,imac pro吃鸡卡顿就是因为驱动,原配是超级超级没有优化过的超级简单的一个驱动,新驱动地址:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QcixnJJ20cLLvUCM6fPHxQ密码:evxv 附上说明: 1.把文件解压到任意位置。 2.确保imac pro的bootcamp原显卡驱动已经安装, 3.确认好,随后打开设备管理器(控制面...
苹果MacBook Pro、MacBook Air、iMac、Mac Mini、Mac Pro电脑Bootcamp驱动。 版本号:6.0.6136 支持的系统:Windows 10 64位。 适用机型: MacBook Pro(视网膜显示屏,15 英寸,2015 年中) 机型标识符:MacBookPro11,4 部件号:MJLQ2xx/A MacBook Pro(视网膜显示屏,15 英寸,2015 年中) ...
当驱动下载并准备完成以后,打开 U 盘可以看到一个 BootCamp 的目录,如图所示 打开这个目录,可以看到里面有一个 Driver 目录,如图所示 在 Drivers 目录下包含了当前 Mac 电脑在 Windows 下所需要的驱动,如蓝牙,网卡,显卡,声卡等驱动 。驱动准备好以后,请切换到 Windows 系统下。打开 U 盘上的...
注:不支持MacBook Pro(13 英寸,2010年中) 对于使用Mac电脑的朋友来说,有时由于工作需要免不了还是要用到Windows系统,所以在Mac电脑上安装Windows系统就成了绝佳的选择。 苹果提供的Bootcamp软件就可以帮助我们很方便的在Mac上安装Windows,而Windows系统驱动也可以通过Bootcamp来下载,只不过经常会遇到下载速度缓慢,甚至下...
The BC Vega GPU driver is suspect and it does take a while to get the drivers working optimally. If Gaming is not the primary role for BC on this Mac, then you should be fine. Apple/AMD need to supply a better driver or wait for bootcampdrivers.com to provide a better one. Try th...
I've verified that I have the latest bootcamp drivers. I've also read that some versions of drivers are better than others, but I haven't been able to get older versions to verify. This is a fresh copy of windows/bootcamp so I really don't have any drivers that I can roll back to...
In the AMD control center under boot camp I don't find that settings. I understand that the bootcamp drivers ship with the AMD radeon Pro control panel rather than the normal software where this option to create custom resolutions is present. Here's what I already tried:...
4:在打开的网页里找到含有"drivers"字样的,就是驱动了,选择最新日期,安装上即可. 注意事项 LG显示器作为主显示器的 +1 34119123 ns吧 Cw7ever NS pro手柄与良知PRO手柄对比(附带PRO连接PC教程)来贴吧很久了,经常潜水,闲来无事打算说说NS手柄的选择问题。 注:我只中肯评价,不推荐哪款,也不黑哪款 先来说说...
If Windows in BootCamp is crashing shortly after startup and the logs indicate some sort of driver issue, you may want to try reinstalling a fresh copy of the drivers as outlined in the following article (the article is aimed at a slightly different issue, but the driver reinstall steps ...
I have imac 2019 with Radeon Pro 580x and i have Mac Os and Win 10 (BootCamp). I want play in Doom Eternal on win 10 but game think that i haven't actual drivers for it. When i trying install Radeon software it can't see my videoadapter. Is there any solutio...