有一台老的imac late2013. 老系统是10.13.(这个版本是支持nvme硬盘的。)前几天动手升级了一下 硬盘(sata一个/nvme+pcie转接头一个)/内存8*2/cpu i5-4570s到i7-4770s碰到的问题:1. 第一次装完cpu后,因为硅脂有点粘性,这个散热器又是显卡cpu在一起,导致cpu有点位移,卡在卡cpu的小柱子上有点弯,电脑开...
Discover the sleek Apple iMac 21.5-inch 2.7GHz Quad-core i5 (Late 2013) at Mac of All Trades. High-performance processor, vibrant display, ample storage, and versatile connectivity options await.
更换内存条需要拆显示屏的,而且更换了也效果一般,还是外接SSD固态硬盘来的痛快 安雪思密达125 1L喂熊 1 问一下楼主,内存在哪买的,还有固态,拆机是找的官网换的还是哪里,我的也是2013late,用着ps和ae也卡的不行 bd门户 1TB 3 楼主能发下 ssd 硬盘和内存型号吗? sunbinzhen1989 100TB 5 我自己的亲身...
2 Bluetooth Board 1 Boards 9 Brackets 3 Cables 9 Case Components 4 Display Components 7 Fans 17 Graphics Cards 11 iMac Intel 27" (Late 2013-Mid 2015) Blade SSD Upgrade Bundle Sale price$199.99 iMac Intel 21.5" (Late 2013-Mid 2014, Select Models) Blade SSD Upgrade Bundle ...
The fastest SSDs available for Apple iMac. Upgrade to an SSD and gain up to 89x faster speeds than the factory drive. Find compatible SSDs for any iMac.
Displays and resolutions are the same, but silicon options are a bit quicker, 802.11ac is on deck and the SSDs all move to PCIe (including Fusion Drive). As tempted as I was to begin my first look at the 2013 iMac evaluating the impact of going to faster storage, it was the entry-...
Customer Support»OWC Install Videos OWC Install Videos Contact Support 1-800-275-4576U.S.A. +1-815-338-8685INTL M–F9:00 AM – 6:00 PM CT iMac 27-inch(Late 2013) OWC's step-by-step video of how to install memory in the Apple iMac 27-Inch Late 2013. ...
乞丐款iMac更换SSD 事情的起因 2013年的时候一时冲动买了一台21寸的iMac,型号是late 2012。这台电脑买回来以后我就发现比同等配置的Windows笔记本简直慢的不是一点。开一个App,图标要在程序坞上跳半天才能启动起来。 这让我难以忍受,于是大部分的时间我的iMac都没有用过,接近9000买了一个摆设,我一直想狠狠地抽...