c East Asian sampling locations with each isolate represented by a dot coloured by its DAPC group. Multiple isolates from the same site are represented as a grid of dots centred on the sampling location Full size image The PCA (Additional files 4 and 5: Figs. S3 and S4), K-means ...
Species in the Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group consistently dominated all locations monitored throughout the estuary, with peak cell densities observed in the austral autumn (lowest in winter). Overall, Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) suggested that high cell concentrations of Pseudo-nitzschia ...
Regarding the gender, there was a prevalence of accidents in males, farmers, and the age group between 13 and 20 years. The highest number of accidents happened during the daytime and they can be related to work in the rural area or leisure activities. Previous works showed similar results ...
7b). BdRdRp2 was identified in a separate group with N. crassa RdRp3 (29.64% identity), the function of which is unknown. The expression level of BdRdRp2 (GME11473_g) in mycelia was elevated in response to BdPV1 infection of LW-P and LW-CP strains for 10 d (Fig. 7c). The ...
Pterulaceae was formally proposed to group six coralloid and dimitic genera: Actiniceps (=Dimorphocystis), Allantula, Deflexula, Parapterulicium, Pterula, and Pterulicium. Recent molecular studies have shown that some of the characters currently used in